
I sure will! Will you remember to get back to me or should I put you on my Spring contact list?

I will get back to you come spring. Was just talking to my husband telling him that I was worried because we got so many boys and only 2 girls in our last hatching. They are a similar size to your babies. He is also worried that we might need to add another line so that we have some genetic diversity in the coop so that the babies turn out well. I don't really need an excuse to hatch out more babies so I'll always agree with him
. Because of the cold though I can't do anymore this winter. I don't have a space for an outdoor brooder that will work for younguns so it would have to warm up a bit before I can get any new babies.
This year’s chicks have gotten their first batch of real snow. 7 came out of the coop for me this morning while the other 5 refused. They had better get used to it quick, we live on a mountain and get lots of snow
How did everyone else’s do?
Mine wanted nothing to do with it and stayed holed up in their coops for the day. Not sure if they are going to go out this winter lol. I made them some warm noodles this afternoon to try and warm them up poor things.
Mine had just been moved to their new coop. They had been confined for the first two days to get them used to it. I decided today was a good day to let them back out
They usually free-range in our multi-acre yard.

They mainly stayed close to and under the new coop. It has large overhangs. I found a few on the porch, and at one point I caught most of them on the back brick patio in a bare patch. I shooed them back to the new coop. Overall they seem to not really like the snow but were certainly willing to cross it to get somewhere they wanted to be!

At dusk I found 5 of them in front of the garage door where they used to live. I shooed them back to the new coop. I've been ringing a bell when I feed them and give them treats so I can move them as needed, it's been handy with the new coop. I rang the bell tonight and they all came in. The first night of the new coop we had 5 that didn't respond to the bell. My FIL was able to catch one, but 4 stayed away. I let them into the garage and then caught them one by one and took them to the new coop.
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i put my rooster out into the snow and he carried on until i picked him up and put him back inside

i have one hen that just wants to stay in the nesting box night and day, anyone else have that, and what, if anything, should i do?

happy first snow storm
I have a hen that just turned broody and she's stealing eggs so this evening I put 4 newly hatched chicks with her but she didn't seem too keen on the idea. Guess I'll try a little longer each day and see if she take to them.
:frowHi Neighbors

I have one Holland Lop Doe left who is ready for her new home. She is Broken Blue color, 20 weeks old and has a full pedigree.

If anyone is interested please contact me.

Thanks and Happy Holidays!
put vaseline on my birds combs and wattles last night, wish i had pictures of some of their faces

here's a recent picture of ray my rooster, he thinks he's a dog
(combination lapdog or rottweiler, depending on his mood)

Nice rooster!

What are folks in VT doing for feed? We've been feeding our 17 chickens Green Mountain Organic layer pellets. Now that it's colder they aren't finding much in the yard and they're eating a LOT of feed. A 50lb bag costs $22+ locally and only lasts a week or so.

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