
i had been doing green mountain but switched over to poulin layer pellets because of a job connection (long story)

i did like the larger pellet size that green mountain had but i'm gong to get over that.

in addition i do poulin scratch and lots of fruit.

they seem happy.
I do Poulin as well and the girls seem to like it. I did do Blue Seal for a while but they only sell their layer in mash at the store near me and the chickens will over eat on that because they don't feel full. I like the Poulin better.
Anyone going to the Northeastern Poultry Conference? It's Jan 14th & 15th in Springfield, Mass. There will be a BYC table there, where BYCers can meet up and take a load off. Anyone willing to field questions at the table from the general masses for an hour or more is eligible for a 6 month GFM upgrade -PM Stoopid for details.

Hope to see you there! I'll be in my newly acquired blue (and man, is it blue!) BYC hoodie. -Martha
how did everyone do last night in the cold

i hadn't planned to have any heat in my coop but used a 250 watt red heat lamp last night after shutting over some of the ventilation.

it's still on this morning, Ray, Violet, Moneypenny, Jinx, Flowers, Mayday, Masie, and second Flowers seem fine.

how did yours do?
All went well here. I was a little concerned as this was the first real cold night in the un-insulated coop and they all managed just fine. The coop did not even get closed up last night as my husband took care of them for me as I had dental surgery yesterday and forgot to double check that he closed them all in.
All of mine did fine with no insulation and no heat. I did partially block one of the big upper vents last night because it was getting direct wind.

They must have huddled together on the shorter roost because there's a bunch of big frozen turds under it this morning
Hens in their coop were fine and squawking to get out into the run first thing this morning. The "teen-agers" in the grow out pen were okay as well. I was mostly concerned about my six week old chicks in their brooder...water wasn't frozen and the babies were doing well.
Mine all seem to be doing okay with the cold. I do have a light in the coop but pretty much that's more for me so I can see what I'm doing when I'm in there lol. They really are not big fans of the snow though I had to coax them to come back in for the night because they didn't want to walk back across the snow. Some of my Cochins who have really tall combs have some black on their combs but it doesn't seem to bother them and they are warm enough huddled together at night. Personally myself though I can't wait for winter to be over. Is it spring yet??
that's probably frostbite, you should search on the forum for how to treat it

i put bag balm on my rooster's comb to try to keep from getting frostbite on the coldest of nights.

supposed to be some very cold temps middle of next week, sorry, it's not spring yet

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