
aww! did you find a good place for him? I hope?

strangest request ever:

would anyone be willing to take my rooster for two overnights?

i'm going to a reunion thing for two nights and if i could place my rooster temporarily i'd have all my animals taken care of by my mother who is scared of my rooster Ray.

on Friday afternoon I'll head from Montpelier to Northampton Mass, so if you have an extra stall in your barn or place for Ray along the way I'd appreciate it so much

so would Ray, not that he'll show you that.

pretty please?

How are those hatches going? I hope you see less numbers of yellow feet.

Are you only working on Black Coppers only these days or any other colors as well?
last hatch was good got 17. I have a hard time telling yellow feet until about 3 wks of age, well see what I get! More eggs going in the incubator end of this week.

I am working on Black Coppers for now, but hope to get back on the Blue Black Splash wagon later this year. Setting some BBS eggs soon!
Loving BYC so far! I live in Burlington,VT and we're a bunch of chicken lovers here! My son goes to the Sustainability Academy and quite a few of us have chickens! We're raising some next year at school as a matter of fact! Hoping to see more VT posts!
cool just let me know


Are you still interested in the yellow footed Marans chicks? I have 6 at one week you can have; all came from my darkest eggs. I would like to part with them soon as I am headed out of town and it would be 6 less my husband will have to care for.

Not a good day. Got home from work to find that someone had run over one of my girls and never had the decency to stop and let us know. Also had a stinken coon break into my coop with my little ones and killed a young pullet. Not a good week so far.....
Oh no! I worry about the road at my house too, but luckily they haven't wandered over that way... May I ask how the coon got in? I'm thinking that I'll need to latch down my nesting section too, right? (the little roof there)


Not a good day. Got home from work to find that someone had run over one of my girls and never had the decency to stop and let us know. Also had a stinken coon break into my coop with my little ones and killed a young pullet. Not a good week so far.....
The little bugger dug a tunnel under the bricks and then under the fence and went in through the pop door. I had thought that I had buried the chicken wire (fence) and bricks deep enough to guard against that. At least now he is permantly relocated and won't be coming back......

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