

RIP 1952-2022
10 Years
Sep 22, 2009
My slice of heaven in Somerset, CA
it's coop not coup. And coupe is for cars.

It's wattles, not waddles. Ducks waddle. Roosters have wattles.

And while I'm at it, it's "its" without an apostrophe for singular thing possessive, and "it's" with an apostrophe to show the contraction of "it" and "is."

A ladder can be used to climb buildings or into trees, but latter means "the one after" something already mentioned.

I could go on and on. And probably will, later. ;)
I understand your frustration but none of us is perfect.

Oh, do avoid beginning a sentence with 'And' when commenting on grammatical accuracy.

I try to overlook irritating grammatical and spelling errors because I'm not perfect myself, even though I was taught original English. What does bug me on any community forum is obvious failure to check what has been written before posting. It's discourteous to the readers to leave frequent errors that could be removed during a quick scan of the draft.

Anyway, tolerance and understanding should be the watchword.
I am pretty sure you are not supposed to start a sentence with AND, which you did twice. You also forgot to start your very first sentence with an uppercase letter. Also [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]you wrote " And coupe is for cars" This sentence is wrong. You should have written :
It's coop not coup and coupe is a car body style. Before complaining about other peoples grammar double check your own.
OMG this really hit me wrong...
This isnt school its about Chickens go outside and enjoy nature or monitor an english class./stop worriying about other ppl and look at what you dont do right....... EVERYONE has something!

I often am wrong in spelling used to be a great speller Best subject english 60 years ago Even today I read constantly always have IQ if they have those any more is 135 .but.... When you get older somehow it goes
. I have had 2 torn retinas and often i cant tell a i from an l so misspell
I transpose letters and type terribly . arthritis and ..again old age setting in... i try to correct but miss a lot ..Sometimes you have to consider other reasons ppl arent gramatically correct.. and the world wont end if someone uses waddle not wattle on a chicken website while makinf a comment anyway

I too notice bad grammer even if i use it and incorrect spelling but ...doesnt make me wonderful and someone else terrible. SO WHAT?
Think .....at the end of your life will this mean that much..others grammar /spelling?
It wont even come into your mind as placing in ther worst/ best catagory!

Now have a nice day and lets play NICE on the chicken website and not judge others

AND yes i know i made mistakes on this post .. bad on me.. ..
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I have a degree in English Literature. I'm usually reluctant to tell people this fact, though, because I don't want them to assume I am a grammar snob. I'm not. I grew up in the South, so when I am speaking or writing to someone I know, or here on BYC, I rarely bother with perfect grammar. I refuse to use "ain't" except in jest, but "howdy", ya'all" and "fixin'a" are all favorite colloqualisms. When I am writing proffesionally, however, my grammar is impeccable. I find it easy to overlook poor sentence structure and see only the idea therein contained. Standardized spelling is a fairly recent development when one takes linguistic history as a whole, so if I misspell something I like to just think of myself as old fashioned.
Good pints, but English literature is not the same as English grammar.

'Proffesionally' may have just one 'f' but two 's's.

Let's live and let live.
Here is another point , often overlooked. Not everybody in this forum speaks english as a first language. There are plenty of folks born in other countries or living in other countries. I was born and raised in germany , but live in the US for the last twelve years.
Not to mention, there is a big difference between a "good point" and a "good pint". I'd much rather have the latter. However, an education in English Literature is impossible without an academic grounding in English Grammar. The two can't be separated on an academic level. Thank you for correcting my spelling on a post where my point was that I don't always bother with correct spelling when posting on BYC, though.
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As long as we can all understand each other, I don't think grammar really matters. We're human beings, and we're supposed to be able to understand a few mistakes.

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