Very aggressive hen


11 Years
Feb 19, 2008
I knew she was aggressive because she was given to me after going out of her way to attack half grown chicks. She was kept penned at her previous home so I hoped if kept free range, it wouldn't happen.

I have her and my adult chickens in one coop and chicks (half grown now) in another coop. During the day I free range.

I should back up a little. When I first got her, we were getting ready to move the chickens to the new coop and the chicks into the smaller old coop. Each were kept in their coops for several weeks so when they were let out, they would go back to the right coops in the evening.

I have 6 young bantams. 5 are Silkies. This hen really does not like them and will go out of her way to go after them. They have gotten to where they run or hide when they see her. Yesterday one of the Silkies was in the feed room which is open enough the chickens can come and go. When the Silkie saw this hen, she went and hid but something must have been showing because the hen went over and yanked out a bunch of feathers before I could run her off. The Silkie was no where near food, water, or a laying area.

We are getting ready to move the young ones into the bigger coop. The plan is to have a safe area they can come and go from that the big chickens can't get into. The smaller coop is old and not in great shape so we were planning to take it down once the young ones were old enough to move to the big coop, but I am thinking of moving the aggressor in there for a time. Will she loose her status and aggressiveness if she is made out to be a newcomer once the Silkies are established in the bigger coop?
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Given her history of over aggressive behavior, it may be necessary to fit her with Pinless Peepers or find a new home for her. Isolating her from the flock for a period of time may help, but the smaller 'different' silkies will most likely still remain a target.
What is a Penless Peeper?

It might be better to rehome her. She doesn't behave that aggressively with the other hens. One is dominant over her and the other two she dominates but not with the same aggression she goes after the Silkies.
She is defending something. Are you certain you have a handle on her nest site? As big a threat rival hens can be to each others young, juveniles can be an even bigger threat. I occasionally see discord resulting in feather loss although it is not a significant problem in a free-range setting.

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