Very aggressive pullet; I'm about to eat her

If ever a chicken deserved eating it is Green. Don't believe for a minute she has changed, If she goes after Olive again, you will probably have a dead Olive. RIR are known to be aggressive.
I agree with this. At this point, I don't think free ranging is going to solve your problem. Olive may quit laying due to stress. If it were my flock, I'd get rid of Green immediately - especially if another one is picking up her bad habits. Get her gone before they get ingrained in Black. I also don't think I'd replace her. Integrating a single bird can be hard - especially if you don't have enough space (integration does take some extra room). I'd settle for three chickens hopefully living in a peaceful flock. Yes, eating Green is a permanent decision, but I think you know that it's what's best for the flock. This is the hard part about chicken keeping.

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