Very round egg, 24 hrs internal pip but no external pip


8 Years
Apr 14, 2011
I hindsight, I probably should not have set this egg bc it is so very round. But here we are. It internally pipped about a day ago. 3 eggs have since externally pipped but this one still has not. The chick is moving in there. Should I make the external pip for it? How long can it go between internal/external pip?

And, do round eggs have a harder time hatching?
I bet they do. If I was you, I'd candle the air cell, and then make a very small hole so the chick can get some air. At this time, you should be able to determine if the chick is alive. Have you read the "assisted hatch" article in Hatching 101 in the learning center? That should give you all the info you need to be able to make informed decisions and assist if you feel it is warranted. Your chick is probably malpositioned and can't get out without assist.
I bet they do.  If I was you, I'd candle the air cell, and then make a very small hole so the chick can get some air.  At this time, you should be able to determine if the chick is alive.  Have you read the "assisted hatch" article in Hatching 101 in the learning center?  That should give you all the info you need to be able to make informed decisions and assist if you feel it is warranted.  Your chick is probably malpositioned and can't get out without assist.
This one was first to internal pip, one of the last to external pip and the first to fully hatch. Funny how they each do things their own way :). Anyway, perfect chick from a round egg!

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