:( Very sad and feel guilty


10 Years
Oct 31, 2009
Somerville, AL
Just received this email from someone who bought 4 of my ducklings:

Ducklings really liked it here but before I could build them
some cage second night probably cat from neibrbood kill three of them
and only the one black male stayed . I made cage for them so he's safe
now but very sad and alone .Do you have two more females ?thanks

Now what do I do?
Yell At Him. >:c Why Wouldn't She Have A Freaking Cage Before The Ducks And Why Was The Cat So Near Them If She Didn"t Have A Cage Thats Just Wrong. >:c
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Ask if they are confident that they have a predator proof set up for the duckling and is confident it is as safe as can be made before selling them a couple more.
Good idea. I do still have 8 but just a few days ago they were here happy and safe.

Don't think I have the constitution to deal with this. No more ducklings for me. Unless I 100% decide on using my Muscovy to breed for meat. But, that is different.
Agree!!! If someone is going to take on the responsibility then they need to be prepared before hand!!!

It makes me sick how people can take animals and have no idea how to care for them or keep them safe, or make the effort to give them a good quality of life!
Agree!!! If someone is going to take on the responsibility then they need to be prepared before hand!!!

It makes me sick how people can take animals and have no idea how to care for them or keep them safe, or make the effort to give them a good quality of life!

Again, this is why I feel guilty. I didn't ask. Should have, but didn't.
I have an extensive list of questions that I aske before I sell my babies. I have turned down at least 3 people in the last year because they were not equipped with housing etc. If they do not have a set up, I do not sell them anything.

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