:( Very sad and feel guilty

Try not to feel too guilty! I myself bought my first ducklings without being prepared except for a brooder. I had nothing for after that. In fact, I have bought all of my birds that way and have lost none so far....and boy, did we scramble to build coops/runs

maybe it was just a foolish mistake? People do learn as they go so maybe this person will too? Sounds like he/she is concerned about the duckling being alone so that might be a good sign. I would give a care and needs sheet to everyone who purchases ducklings before hand.Good luck in your decision and try not to feel too bad!
Thanks. I wish I had thought about these things beforehand. I'm trying not to feel too bad. My DH is ticked and he is only hearing about it via text message.
I recently lost a chicken due to an oversight with my pen. It can happen to any of us. It's a tough call whether or not to let him have more. You could ask to see pics of his set up before you make a decision.
I wouldn't sell anymore to this person unless he improved the situation. Then I'd want to drop to the future docks off to see that it's safe. I spend too much time raising my ducks to let them get eaten that fast from failure to provide a good living area.
now here is my question, what if he ate 3 of them and wanted more?

once you sell them, they are no longer yours. Selling him more depends on if you want to get rid of the ducks you have and if you want to take the money?

when I sell my ducks they can do what ever they want after I have the cash. If someone called me up and said they lost 3 of them and wanted more. My reply would be bring more cash, how many do you want?
Thanks. I wish I had thought about these things beforehand. I'm trying not to feel too bad. My DH is ticked and he is only hearing about it via text message.

I just try to remember that not everyone thinks/reacts/learns the same way. Try to take this as a learning experience for yourself too. I plan on selling chicks/poults/goslings/ducklings next year, so this winter I will be devising a care sheet for each species to give to each customer.
I myself have learned a valuable lesson this week....I decided for the first time to let a persistently broody hen have eight eggs. I marked all the eggs and my DS and I knew how many and what to look for. This hen has been sitting on these eggs for a week...and today I only found 7....OMG, I am so stupid to not have separated this hen from the coop!
So now I have to panic thinking I sold either a rotten or partially developed egg to one of my friends....Lesson learned?? SEPARATE the broodies!!!
This was the attitude I was trying to take. Honestly, I think I'd feel better if they said we ate them, got more. I just figure 6 week old runners wouldn't have made that good of a meal so I can't even fool myself into that.
I do think he at least cares because I don't know why he would want more.

I will check his set up now and see. He had gotten the 2 I knew were female, another I thought was female and one potentially male.
He wants more females, I have an idea of what is what now but don't want to get stuck with all males. Ugh.

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