One of the friendliest ducks at Lake Murray was found strangled by fishing line this morning. She was actually being towed around by another female before the other female was cut free. She used to be so friendly and happy to see people, even eating out of people's hands.
Anyway, you can read more about it in my article
She was one of 11 little ducklings. Here's a memorium of her, beginning with baby pictures. At the end are some pretty graphic pics of her dead with the fishing line around her.
Here they all are running up to me at about 2 months old (4 survived out of 11):
Graphic pics:
Anyway, you can read more about it in my article
She was one of 11 little ducklings. Here's a memorium of her, beginning with baby pictures. At the end are some pretty graphic pics of her dead with the fishing line around her.

Here they all are running up to me at about 2 months old (4 survived out of 11):

Graphic pics: