Very sick chick, Cecal Coccoides question {Updated w/ poo picture}.


In the Brooder
11 Years
Sep 6, 2008
Gainesville, Florida
I have a 3-4 week old black bantam cochin hen. She started acting listless about 2 days ago, and this morning we saw a lot of blood in her stool. The most obvious diagnosis is cecal coccoides. We couldn't acquire antibiotics until late this evening, but in the meantime, we have been force feeding her a little yogurt and electrolytes. She seemed to perk up a little, this morning she couldn't even lift her head up. We gave her a two eyedroppers worth of diluted Sulmet and we are waiting to see.

Anyone have any experience with this type of thing, I am curious to know what the chances of survival are in young chicks? A few websites I was researching indicated that this often leads to death, should I be expecting the worse tomorrow morning???

Here she is this morning (10/1) Keep in mind, yesterday she couldn't even lift her head off the ground...


and her poop, still a little blood i think.

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This is why I always feed Medicated Chick Starter. Any birds that are raised on litter are exposed to the cocci in other birds feces.

SO...I'd start on medicated chick starter FIRST thing in the morning. Look for something with Amprolium in it.
i had it a few times, only lost 1 chick. i fought it this summer, was a bad yr for from my experience catch it quick, as soon as i saw blood i treated.

ask your feed store, i used medicated feed by poulin and it was this natural moss stuff,,,didnt work, but yes the last few yrs with the real medicated feed worked well.
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No, it is the only drug listed, although I do have some medicated grower crumbles that contains Bacitracin.

I did start the chick on Sulmet which is Sulfamethazine Sodium, hopefully the coccoides won't be resistant to that too.

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