Very Sick Chick

I'm also a new chicky mom with a chick that is showing some of the same symptoms. It's after hours, and I don't have any of the meds mentioned in the threads. is there anything I can give her or do for her until I can get to store in the morning?
I have heard that giving buttermilk may help slow the progression, if it's cocci. It won't cure it but it may buy you some time. I've never tried it, I keep Corid on hand, but that is what I've been told.
I'm also a new chicky mom with a chick that is showing some of the same symptoms. It's after hours, and I don't have any of the meds mentioned in the threads. is there anything I can give her or do for her until I can get to store in the morning?
Give her milk until you can get corid. Use an eyedropper and put a drop or two on the side of her beak to drink. Do it 3-4 times tonight, hopefully the milk will slow the protozoa from making her worse.
I heard from the breeder that supplied me with hatching eggs that it is a hereditary disease and they are born with it.
I heard from the breeder that supplied me with hatching eggs that it is a hereditary disease and they are born with it.
Ummmm, NO! If it were me I'm not sure I would use this person again. You really need to read up on this so you will have the information for yourself. Coccidia is a parasite that can be picked up from the ground, earthworms, dirty brooders and coops. This is the short list, it can also be spread by people not practising good biosecurity around their birds. Please educate yourself.
Thank you all so much for taking time out and letting me know the things that have worked for y'all. I have been giving the chicks a Sulmet solution with just the Sulmet itself diluted by water. I haven't been giving it to the sick chick at all but I have been giving her Pedialyte with a crushed up B 12 tablet and medicated chick starter. She has started to drink a little if I am holding her but otherwise she won't. She as a great appetite but every time I put the liquid in there, she rolls in it and gets soaked. I'm afraid that she will get even more sick if she gets wet. But she cannot stand up by herself at all anymore, all she does is roll around trying to stand. She seems fine other than her legs not working and the fact that her stool is very stringy white and a deep green color. Thank you all for your comments. They really, really help :)
One thing I learned the hard way....if you are giving your chicks medicated feed and they still get the cocci, stop all vitamins while you treat with the Corid. Corid is able to kill the coccidia by blocking B1 or thiamine that it needs to reproduce and grow. giving vitamins during treatment is counterproductive and can cause more problems. After the treatment is finished is soon enough to give probiotics and vitamins.

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