Very sick hen-mabye egg-bound????

ladr, so sorry to hear about your hen

OP, if your hen is bleeding she may have been cut and may need antibiotic to prevail here.

If a hen is trying to pass an egg, sometimes in adddition to a bath people administer 1 Tums crushed into a bit of water so it's liquid enough to gently dribble along her beak line with a dropper so she swallows on her own and doesn't choke.

If you can feel the egg, and there's skin in the way, you have to oil everything really good, and have to work at finding out how to move the skin away from the egg. I think sometimes a dry egg gets caught up in the membrane in the tube and kind of pulls it. You may really have to seriously probe to find out how to get to the egg. Use alot of oil.
My 2-1/2 year old EE died last night too. A somewhat similar situation to this one, though I'm not sure she was egg-bound. My girl possibly got lacerated inside, if some remaining shell stuck in her oviduct.

I posted about her on another regarding lethargy and shell less egg. Here's the link to what I said about my Zsa Zsa:

RIP, my little golden-red head.
So sorry FS and CC. I was reading the posts last night where people were able to save them... hoped I would have the same story. Not much luck though. Sorry for your losses:(

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