Very Sick Hen Please HELP!


In the Brooder
Sep 3, 2021
I have a hen that is extremely sick and I don't know the cause. She was fine two days ago and even came running when I fed my flock. Now however she has 0 energy and her head and tail droop, she closes her eyes like she's sleeping, she staggers when she tries to walk, her stool is very loose (no white in it, gray greenish), also upon picking her up I could tell she's extremely under weight (something her feathers had concealed when I'd check on my flock) and she's so under weight her breastbone protrudes.

In the past I've saw baby chicks get this "sleepy" disease but I don't know what it's actually called or even why they get it...but the chicks always died. PLEASE can someone help me save my favorite hen by explaining what might be going on with her and offering suggestions for treatment!!! PLEASE!!!
I have a hen that is extremely sick and I don't know the cause. She was fine two days ago and even came running when I fed my flock. Now however she has 0 energy and her head and tail droop, she closes her eyes like she's sleeping, she staggers when she tries to walk, her stool is very loose (no white in it, gray greenish), also upon picking her up I could tell she's extremely under weight (something her feathers had concealed when I'd check on my flock) and she's so under weight her breastbone protrudes.

In the past I've saw baby chicks get this "sleepy" disease but I don't know what it's actually called or even why they get it...but the chicks always died. PLEASE can someone help me save my favorite hen by explaining what might be going on with her and offering suggestions for treatment!!! PLEASE!!!
I don’t know what could be wrong with her unfortunately but I know what can help her give her some vitamins in her water vinegar as well is she egg bound maybe?? Give her some sugar water also maybe to give her some energy soften up some food and try to give it to her she may need to be dewormed I am fortunate to not have to deal with sick chickens that much but some are not hence my lack of knowing of how to help other BYC members that have those unfortunate issues God bless I have also prayed for your girl I know how attached we get to our little feathered friends❤️❤️❤️
I don’t know what could be wrong with her unfortunately but I know what can help her give her some vitamins in her water vinegar as well is she egg bound maybe?? Give her some sugar water also maybe to give her some energy soften up some food and try to give it to her she may need to be dewormed I am fortunate to not have to deal with sick chickens that much but some are not hence my lack of knowing of how to help other BYC members that have those unfortunate issues God bless I have also prayed for your girl I know how attached we get to our little feathered friends❤️❤️❤️
Thank you, I'll be off to the Co-op this morning I suppose to get some vitamins, dewormer just in case for the entire flock, and any other thing anyone suggests. Egg bound? 🤔 Well she has yet to produce a single egg nor has the other hen thats the same age, maybe 3 months or so, I can't keep track of time, it could be longer. However I don't know how to tell if she's egg bound, is there a way?
Get her checked for coccidea. I have had major trouble diagnosing this as it has not presented as described in my flock but the staggers is one sympton I've seen yet is never mentioned. Amprolium is the usual treatment but your hen may also need antibiotics.
I have a hen that is extremely sick and I don't know the cause. She was fine two days ago and even came running when I fed my flock. Now however she has 0 energy and her head and tail droop, she closes her eyes like she's sleeping, she staggers when she tries to walk, her stool is very loose (no white in it, gray greenish), also upon picking her up I could tell she's extremely under weight (something her feathers had concealed when I'd check on my flock) and she's so under weight her breastbone protrudes.

In the past I've saw baby chicks get this "sleepy" disease but I don't know what it's actually called or even why they get it...but the chicks always died. PLEASE can someone help me save my favorite hen by explaining what might be going on with her and offering suggestions for treatment!!! PLEASE!!!
So sorry you are having problems with your favourite hen. I couldn’t even begin to help, I’m just learning myself, hopefully @Wyorp Rock @Eggcessive @azygous maybe able to help. They are brilliant and have help me many times!
Get her checked for coccidea. I have had major trouble diagnosing this as it has not presented as described in my flock but the staggers is one sympton I've seen yet is never mentioned. Amprolium is the usual treatment but your hen may also need antibiotics.
When I got her she and the other chicks I purchased was vaccinated against coccidea.
I have a hen that is extremely sick and I don't know the cause. She was fine two days ago and even came running when I fed my flock. Now however she has 0 energy and her head and tail droop, she closes her eyes like she's sleeping, she staggers when she tries to walk, her stool is very loose (no white in it, gray greenish), also upon picking her up I could tell she's extremely under weight (something her feathers had concealed when I'd check on my flock) and she's so under weight her breastbone protrudes.

In the past I've saw baby chicks get this "sleepy" disease but I don't know what it's actually called or even why they get it...but the chicks always died. PLEASE can someone help me save my favorite hen by explaining what might be going on with her and offering suggestions for treatment!!! PLEASE!!!
I would try adding Chlorine Dioxide to the water, maybe feed her some with a dropper to make sure she get it. It's very effective for a broad range of issues in all animals, including humans. You can also make a spray with it and use it to disinfect the entire area. It is a powerful oxidizer. Non carcinogenic, non mutagenic. I use it for all my animals and for myself. If you want to learn more about it take a look at "the universal antidote" on or
So they are 3 months old? If she has lost that much condition, I would recommend a supplement like polyaid mixed with apple sauce. If she won't eat on her own, she may need to be tube-fed, which may be a bit advanced for new keepers.

Is she drinking on her own? Apple cider vinegar is vitamin-rich and good as a temporary supplement in water to help give her a boost - particularly b complex.

What are they being fed and what's their living conditions like? Perhaps there's a clue in there as to what's going on.

Pics of her poos can go a long way in helping diagnosis, particularly if it's coccidia.

Watery green poos can indicate worms/coccidia, but it can also be a result of starvation. Yellow in the urates (the whites part of the poo) or black stool are a big cause for concern, and at her age, bloody stool - which tends to mean coccidia.

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