Very sick peacock - Two siblings already dead

Can you read the label of your prescription bottle and post what it says?


ml 1x a day
Metromrazole 800mg (mis-spelled, it's hand written.)

That dose is well within the dose ranges that I have read about, so that's fine, but it will *not* treat any secondary infections like e. Coli, which I suspect he has. Please, please, please call them and talk to them about treating for a probable secondary e. Coli infection. A few of us here have had necropsies done on our birds and all of them have had e. Coli when they had blackhead.

That dose is well within the dose ranges that I have read about, so that's fine, but it will *not* treat any secondary infections like e. Coli, which I suspect he has. Please, please, please call them and talk to them about treating for a probable secondary e. Coli infection. A few of us here have had necropsies done on our birds and all of them have had e. Coli when they had blackhead.

Thank you, i will try to call them first thing tomorrow!
Do you have a kitchen or postal scale? If so, weigh him and let them know how much he weighs. If he's losing weight they might want you to tube feed him. It's really very easy and safe if you can go slow and follow directions.

Do you have a kitchen or postal scale? If so, weigh him and let them know how much he weighs. If he's losing weight they might want you to tube feed him. It's really very easy and safe if you can go slow and follow directions.

He woke me up at 7.30 this morning by calling for me, which is a far bit away from hi pen, so that seems like a good sign. He did this again later in the day when he wanted feeding.
They weighed him when we went to the vets and he only weighed 2kg, he has a massive appetite now, but he did lose weight. His poops today were a mixture between some being water, and the most recent one being thankfully solid. I've been feeding him some sprouts each day, will this help? He sure seems to enjoy them.

I have been unable to call the vets today but i have also been giving him that cayenne pepper in his water/food.
So sorry.


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