Very sick rooster, please help!!!!!!

OK, I can go and get Tylan I think the feed store has it. What about Oxytet? I have a lot of that here but not sure what the dose would be, but I DO know you can use it for
respiratory issues. Do you know what the dose would be? The pack only has large scale dosing and Lord knows I can't figure that out! Also, if I DO use Tylan, I'm assuming you mean the injectable? I've never used the injectable kind....
Weigh your bird and dose accordingly:
For susceptible infections:
a) For initial therapy in caged birds for upper respiratory infec-tions (especially if mycoplasma suspected).Using 200 mg/mL injectable: 40 mg/kg IM. Used in combi-nation with aminoglycosides. (McDonald 1989)
b) For initial therapy of upper respiratory infections and airsacculitis. Using 50 mg/mL or 200 mg/mL injectable: 10 – 40mg/kg IM twice daily or three times daily (Clubb 1986)
c) 30 mg/kg IM q12h (Hoeffer 1995)
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OK, I can go and get Tylan I think the feed store has it. What about Oxytet? I have a lot of that here but not sure what the dose would be, but I DO know you can use it for
respiratory issues. Do you know what the dose would be? The pack only has large scale dosing and Lord knows I can't figure that out! Also, if I DO use Tylan, I'm assuming you mean the injectable? I've never used the injectable kind....
Tyan doesn't fully "treat" the bird. It reduces death rate and rids of symptoms. He will always be a carrier. Respiratory diseases (like Infectious Bronchitis) are highly contagious.
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I'm not using Tylan, I'm using Oxytet water soluble. I think it's more specific for what we're dealing with, and I already had it. His diarhea has dried up, as far as I can tell, and I don't hear him wheezing anymore, but he is sad. Eating though...the goodies, anyway. And some of his grain and poultry food. And he's drinking. And it hasnt been highly contagious at this point, either. Or contagious at all, that I can tell. Knock on wood, I guess. A friend thinks (from doing research) that it might be Aspergillosis. I don't reallly think so, but it could be, as we've had a lot of cold weather, followed by warmish weather, followed by cold again, so there is certainly a real possiblility of him inhaling mold.
He has lost a lot of weight, so probably the green diarhea was from dehydration. :/ Does anyone have experience with aspergillosis? I haven't ruled out cocci yet either. The only reason I'm not treating him for it yet, is the wheezing. And there was no bloody diarhea, that I saw. I wonder if it would hurt him to try some Amprol on top of the antibiotic?
I'm just going to add that all of your birds could have a respiratory disease, they just aren't showing any symptoms. If they are under stress (predators, flocks mates, etc) they will usually show signs.
Most of our birds we have had for many years, this one included. I know they can be carriers for some things, but I think the flock overall is quite healthy.
Believe me, they've been under stress many times, as they are free range...and have pulled through just fine. Joe Black took a turn for the worse this morning, but we have
him in the house now and tube feeding him every four hours. He is showing faint signs of improvement.
He died last night.
We had been tube feeding him green smoothie with electrolytes and vitamins, watered down with lukewarm water and a little banana,
and a crushed up 1/4 Cipro tab. We think he may have had aspergillosis. This is very uncommon but we did have the wet warmish weather for a few days, and in
doing research found something that said birds who have been on a long course of antibiotics, (which he was, when he was being treated by the vet for his injury)
can be very susceptible to getting ill with aspergillosis, where a bird who had no course of antibiotics might not get sick at all. Anyway, I am sad.
He was a
beautiful rooster who didn't deserve to die that way. I am kicking myself for not paying more attention when he first started getting sick.

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