Very swollen feet, got pus out. What is it???!!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Oct 23, 2014
Hello! I have a very large hen that has grown to the size of her 1 year old dad in 3 months. Her feet have always looked large but lately they are getting bumps on them and the swelling is now in the toes. I just figured she had giantism (if that can happen in chickens) and had weird looking feet.
I posted in another area the other day and a member asked me if the bumps felt like there was fluid in them. I checked and it did seem like that so today I grabbed my scalpel, betadine and a needle and poked a hole in one of the large bumps and holy Mackeral!!!! I got so much pus! At first it was watery and yellow and then it was like these white seed like lookin things mixed with blood. I did a foot soak in betadine and warm water and started her on oral antibiotics.
Has anybody ever had a similiar experience? I don't think its bumble foot cause there is no scab and no kernels. I'll add some ohotos.
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That's my conundrum, no scab! Looking around online it seems it could still be bumble foot maybe but a different manifestation since she's so large for her age. I'm gonna call some vets tomorrow and see if they'll do a payment plan cause we just started the Dave Ramsey program!!! Perfect timing little (huge) chicken!!!

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