Very tiny duck

So, I actually had a hatch last week, eight hatched, three were very tiny compared to the others, one ended up passing, but the other two are continuing to thrive, they are little runts, but are now getting around just as well as the others.

All I did was ensure that the duckling's were in the most stress-free environment as possible, so I rarely handled them, made sure the other's weren't picking on them, and made sure their brooder was warm enough for their health state. After 24 hours I administered a few drops of a poultry vitamin and offered them some mashed scrambled eggs. Two day's after hatch they were back to normal.

And P.S these were two Black East Indies/Call Cross and One Call Duck.
I was going to say mashed scrambled egg it’s so good for them.

woukd you recommended chicken or duck scrambled eggs for them?

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