Very unusual chick, Guinea / chicken hybrid!!

no, we have no hybrids. We with so many chickens, our roo doesn't cover Miss Guinea that often but I have seen it done. We are also not doing any incubating or growing our own at this point. Just rescues for the time being and making sure they all have a happy, healthy chicken life for their reminder of time on this earth. Maybe one day :)
Good on you for the rescues thats a good thing you are doing. I prefer the pure bred birds but some hybrid breeders like b_hunter have got me curious now
Hi all, Just thought I'd share some updated pics of the hybrids and friends. They are now enjoying a very spacious new pen and are free range all day! They are definitely associating more with the guineas than the chickens now, their calls still sound very chick like.

Hello Bemba! They are getting more beautiful every time I see them I think...I wonder do they know how special they are? My chickens tolerate my guineas and my guineas are scared of my chickens even tho the chickensare all bantam....had to separate them at night to get any sleep with the constant mention your babies call like chickens but do they also have the guinea voice too? Whooo thats an earsplitter when they want your attention! Take care
Wow, like the coppery scales on the legs in the last pic. Haven't seen just the shin scales colored differently like that before. I mean, with chickens I've seen the shins and upper toes be black when the rest of the leg and foot is white or yellow or willow, but that's fancy looking in your birds. Thanks for sharing.
Hello Bemba! They are getting more beautiful every time I see them I think...I wonder do they know how special they are? My chickens tolerate my guineas and my guineas are scared of my chickens even tho the chickensare all bantam....had to separate them at night to get any sleep with the constant mention your babies call like chickens but do they also have the guinea voice too? Whooo thats an earsplitter when they want your attention! Take care
I'm sure they know as I spoil them rotten LOL They have become very tame I can pick them up and they just sit there calmly. My Guineas are definitely the boss around here, although they don't challenge My malay at all. The noise is still very chicken chick like, nothing else yet really.
Wow, like the coppery scales on the legs in the last pic. Haven't seen just the shin scales colored differently like that before. I mean, with chickens I've seen the shins and upper toes be black when the rest of the leg and foot is white or yellow or willow, but that's fancy looking in your birds. Thanks for sharing.
Yeah they have cool pied patches on their feet also and the claws are longer than chickens almost like bird of prey talons!
Hello Bemba! They are getting more beautiful every time I see them I think...I wonder do they know how special they are? My chickens tolerate my guineas and my guineas are scared of my chickens even tho the chickensare all bantam....had to separate them at night to get any sleep with the constant mention your babies call like chickens but do they also have the guinea voice too? Whooo thats an earsplitter when they want your attention! Take care

I was talking with a chap that breeds several of these hybrids every year so far he said he has bred 39 from 4 different breeds of chickens. He said the voice will turn a little more like a guinea fowl as they are close to death at about 12-18 months old. Also too the malay rooster used here by this woman is clearly not pure so that will affect the voice as its a mix a 2 or 3 breeds also.
Wow, like the coppery scales on the legs in the last pic. Haven't seen just the shin scales colored differently like that before. I mean, with chickens I've seen the shins and upper toes be black when the rest of the leg and foot is white or yellow or willow, but that's fancy looking in your birds. Thanks for sharing.

Thats the results of them being hybrids and the fact a cross bred malay rooster was used to give that colour scales. The colours can be different for different chooks used so depends on the mixed breeds used
Hello: I worked my way through the postings. I am curious.... Do either of your Hybrids "crow" or do they make noises like a male or female guinea ?
Very interesting and for those of you who have been on BYC for a time, there have been other Guinea/chicken hybrids with wonderful stories and
pictures. Keep up the wonderful postings on your beautiful birds.:)
Guinea G.
Hello: I worked my way through the postings. I am curious.... Do either of your Hybrids "crow" or do they make noises like a male or female guinea ?
Very interesting and for those of you who have been on BYC for a time, there have been other Guinea/chicken hybrids with wonderful stories and
pictures. Keep up the wonderful postings on your beautiful birds.

Guinea G.

Thankyou :) Well these guys sound much more chicken chick like vocally even though they are huge! It will be interesting to see if their voice changes much as they age.

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