Very unusual chick, Guinea / chicken hybrid!!

Haha! Non conformists rule!
I did toss a white guinea in with a black skinned naked neck rooster carrying recessive white.. the idea was to see if the black skin would show in hybrids and also to see if the guinea white and chicken recessive white would interact... But he did not see her as a sexy thing at all, drats!

Never got hybrids despite peafowl, chickens, guineas and various pheasants running together at various times over the years.. always hoped it would happen but alas. The only hybrids I can remember seeing in person were pheasant x chukar.. they looked so odd.. like stretched out chukars with strange colors. That was not planned yet the owner ended up with like 10 of them. Some people have all the luck, ha!

I know it really can happen, just have learned to keep a slight bit of 'hmm.... I wonder' after seeing several cases of alleged hybrids turn out not to be hybrids. So if it were a case of one rooster and guinea hen isolated it'd be pretty good but if from free range and mixed......

btw your pieds are gorgeous! Really like that solid white winged look.
Have you ever done AI? I've recently learnt how to do it and it's much easier than I expected! Helps a lot if your roosters are tame or semi tame.

I had the parents penned separately for 3 months prior to the first eggs being laid, they have no combs and sound very different too! Funny the first hybrid sounds much more chicken like and this second one sounds almost like a keet!

I'm hoping to breed pure whites one day as we have none in Australia, a lot of claims but none ever show themselves.
You could still end up with hundreds of hybrids
OH Crumb. I never even thought of that
I keep joking on here that I am going to wind up getting myself on that show Hoarders.Not that there is anything funny about indescriminate breeding and animal overpopulation, but I am chomping at the bit for spring to come so I can hatch out just a few chickys. Just a few mind you. My husband gets that worried look every time I mention more chickens. Maybe he wont notice if I just get a few more....hee hee.
Have you ever done AI? I've recently learnt how to do it and it's much easier than I expected! Helps a lot if your roosters are tame or semi tame.

I had the parents penned separately for 3 months prior to the first eggs being laid, they have no combs and sound very different too! Funny the first hybrid sounds much more chicken like and this second one sounds almost like a keet!

I'm hoping to breed pure whites one day as we have none in Australia, a lot of claims but none ever show themselves.

Yeah tried AI.. both rooster over guinea and managed once to get a "sample" from guinea cock and used it on a chicken hen. No fertility at all. Just remembered there was a study on I think it was using AI for turkey and chicken hybrids.. with each successive AI, fertility went down. One of the ideas was that the immune system was learning to recognize and killing the 'exotic' sperm before they could reach the yolks. Perhaps that's the cause behind some of the lowered fertility? AI was successful but the sperm got killed off too fast.

AI between chickens was quite successful so it wasn't technique. (used it to fertilize bantam hens from LF roo)

No whites????? Over here the pieds are due to a single dose of White. I tested that idea, seems to be true- only kept one pair for a long time- they produced 1:4:1 ratio of whites, pieds, normals very consistently over couple seasons. So Australian pieds are something different?
OH Crumb. I never even thought of that
I keep joking on here that I am going to wind up getting myself on that show Hoarders.Not that there is anything funny about indescriminate breeding and animal overpopulation, but I am chomping at the bit for spring to come so I can hatch out just a few chickys. Just a few mind you. My husband gets that worried look every time I mention more chickens. Maybe he wont notice if I just get a few more....hee hee.
The best way to be, have that many that when a few extras arrive no one will know the difference, I do it all the time
Yeah tried AI.. both rooster over guinea and managed once to get a "sample" from guinea cock and used it on a chicken hen. No fertility at all. Just remembered there was a study on I think it was using AI for turkey and chicken hybrids.. with each successive AI, fertility went down. One of the ideas was that the immune system was learning to recognize and killing the 'exotic' sperm before they could reach the yolks. Perhaps that's the cause behind some of the lowered fertility? AI was successful but the sperm got killed off too fast.

AI between chickens was quite successful so it wasn't technique. (used it to fertilize bantam hens from LF roo)

No whites????? Over here the pieds are due to a single dose of White. I tested that idea, seems to be true- only kept one pair for a long time- they produced 1:4:1 ratio of whites, pieds, normals very consistently over couple seasons. So Australian pieds are something different?
That is really interesting about the sperm being killed off, I think it still happens to own species sperm also? but I could be wrong, I just remember seeing a doco ages ago. If you find the link I'd love to have a read.

Yeah your pied and white guineas seem to have the same genetic relationship as our pied and white peafowl.... If I breed 2 pieds together I get 100% pied offspring nothing else, you put pied to non pied and I'm sure they are all still pied but some are only very minor like a few white flights or less.
Chicks doing really well, did I mention there are now 3?

How different is this guy?

With his older brother

What a unique bunch of babies... 2 hybrids, a Masked Lapwing, 2 cinnamon pied guineas and a silver pied guinea

I have them toilet trained

Latest addition to the clan is now up and pecking!
Chicks doing really well, did I mention there are now 3?

How different is this guy?

With his older brother

What a unique bunch of babies... 2 hybrids, a Masked Lapwing, 2 cinnamon pied guineas and a silver pied guinea

I have them toilet trained

Latest addition to the clan is now up and pecking!

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