Very unusual chick, Guinea / chicken hybrid!!

Your little guin-hen looks to be quite the celebrity. Keep posting, I enjoy interesting hybrids
Its breeding season here in Australia I think also in Asia? anyway I am locking in a small cage today a agressive silkie rooster with a guinea hen and in another small cage a malay roo with a guinea hen so I should get fertile eggs in a couple of weeks and will post pictures of the hybrid chicks.

I have already named the hybrids as, Silknea and Malaneas
Quote: Thank you, yes I do love them very much. They were completely unexpected. Late fall hatch.I found them just in time as we were going into a straight week of pouring rain here and I was able to scoop them all up and brood them almost from birth. Of the original 19 eggs (one mama not a communal nest) 11 hatched and thrived and I buried 5 unhatched eggs and three pipped but dead chicks up on the hill in my favorite flower garden overlooking where their brothers and sisters would later grow up and play.(I know I'm a sentimental wimp
) Have greatly enjoyed watching every step of their development and guard them fiercely. Such interesting and amazing birds they are!
Quote: Are there any pictures of her still posted on here somewhere? I would very much like to see what she looked like. That is so very sad, I hope so badly that is not the case for your little ones, Bemba. I would have a hard time believing that you aren't already attached to these little buggers
Here is another pic of the eldest hybrid "Guinook" he she is such a character and very curious

HI Bemba,
Isn't that the one in the very first pics you took that was perched on your hand. I'm trying to keep them all straight in my mind (good luuck with that
) But I think that little one is the one that I have really liked from the start, I refuse to believe that he is "destined" to not live a long happy healthy life, I DO believe in miracles. I would like to think that he will be one. take care.
Tacampell 1973 I just saw your post and tried out "Miracle -the guinhen," in the searchbox. The first thread to pop up was the correct one posted by Our Little Chicken Farm, I just looked a bit and sure enough the photos of baby Miracle are there. We all thought she was a boy but she decided to be a girl.
... if I lock the turkey tom and say 2 sebrights in a cage 1.5 x 1 meter would that improve the chances of fertility?
Coincidentally enough I have seen a hen-raised turkey tom kept in a cage with a sebright hen, and the cage was literally a meter and a half square. He didn't try anything. She would have weighed as much as half his neck, there is absolutely no way she could have survived being mounted. Mating would not occur. Just crushing. She was possibly the best sebright hen I have ever seen, too bad her owner didn't appreciate her. Not that he was a bad sort, lol, just focused on breeding to eat, not to propagate and preserve good genetics. She'd been given to him, not his choice of bird.

If a male doesn't view a female as a mate, in the vast majority of cases mating will not happen, even if you confine them in a tiny cage with one another. You're better off, it seems, to raise a male under a female of the species you hope to cross to, and keep him with females of that species all his life so when his mating instincts kick in, all the females he has access to are of the species you want to cross to. It's always better to have the male be the smaller species. Dead females do not lay eggs, being the main reason why.

Also, a turkey tom who finds chicken hens attractive is nothing but a nuisance. He'll cost you hens on a regular basis until you separate or cull him. You are far better off with trying to ensure that you have a sebright rooster who is attracted to turkey hens, not a turkey tom attracted to sebright hens. With such an extreme size difference AI may be your best bet, really.

Best wishes to all. Love the hybrid's look. Keen to see how it goes.
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