Very urgent! Intestine or umbilical cord?


Spicy Sugar Cookie
7 Years
Apr 26, 2017
The moon
This is for a friend of mine. She and her mom hatch chicks and they had this one hatch. The daughter texted me asking what to do because she thought the chick was shrink wrapped. I told her what to do for that, but she was very nervous and asked if she could bring it over for me to take care of for a few days, I said yes, of course.

The mom and daughter pulled some shell off too early I think and she was bleeding from her naval a lot. She has sticky chick syndrome, not shrink wrapped. I just gave her a warm bath and it was pretty successful. But she had a sort of “string” hanging out of her naval. Her belly is also swollen and transparent—you can see inside (not very deep, but definitely transparent), and her head seems swollen (like a balloon, if I place my finger on it it gives). She is not opening her eyes (I assume they are glued shut, but her swollen head also seems to be causing a problem, it’s like her eyes aren’t aligned with the opening for the eyes) or walking, and she is shaking.

Is she past saving? She is very cute and I already love her even though she isn’t mine. We have started fluid (there’s a good article around here about this) that I can use to euthanize (I’ve done it before). But if I can save her I want to. She won’t take the nutridrench I try to give her, and she obviously can’t eat. She is peeping though and seems to be breathing strongly.

Though it looks fine to me, could you turn the light off and snap a quick pic with natural light or flash?
How’s this? It’s head is so swollen :/ I’ve never seen a chick with that before.


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She does look odd, but it might be because she is so wet. I've never tried it but I've heard others recommend drying on low with a hair dryer. Is this something you could do? I'm afraid she won't be able to get warm enough as long as she is still wet.
She is dry, but she’s a sticky chick so she has a dried substance on her and that’s why she looks wet.
The owners have made the decision to put her down. She is shaking in an abnormal way and her neck is now swollen also. If sticky chick syndrome was the only issue I’d definitely say that she’d be fine and I’d take care of her for a few days, but I feel like this is just a bit too much. I feel guilty “giving up” but I guess it’s not my decision anyway. The daughter feels like she’s struggling. You can’t save every chick :( thank you everyone for your responses and help.
Sorry. I hate to see you give up on her based solely on the things you listed. I've never had to cull so I don't know. I have had a chick hatch similar to this and she pulled through with my care. I hate to make your decision harder, only you know your particular situation.

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