Vet cost rant

I just recently went through the same experience of trying to find an affordable tapeworm med. I found this website to be a savior. Check out They sell a product called "Fishtapes". You can use it on your dogs and cats which I love. They also accept paypal and ship very fast. I am a new loyal customer
They sell all kinds of antibiotics as too which is totally awesome! Well hope this helps.

I haven't read all the posts here, but I just wanted to add my $.02. I absolutely agree that brand name products for pets and vet services are high, so it's tempting to try supermarket brand treatments such as dewormers and flea treatments but I want to warn against it. Two years ago, we decided to try the Hartz brand flea prevention treatment that we bought from a local grocery store with our French Brittany and emergency vet bills ended up costing us around $600. A few hours after applying it to his skin, he started salivating and panting severely. We immediately took him to the vet at 2:00am in the morning and he was hooked up to IVs and given a dose of various medicines to counteract the reaction he had to the medication.

We wrote a letter to Hartz and a few weeks later they sent us a check to reimburse us for our vet bills from this incident. The fine print was, if we cashed it, we automatically agreed to a confidentiality clause, meaning that we could not tell anyone about what happened with their product. Needless to say, we decided not to take their money.

Ever since then, I haven't strayed from paying extra for Frontline flea prevention for our dogs. Not only is there a chance that you'll end up paying more in the end, but their health is infinitely more important than saving a few bucks.
Still a viable topic! Maybe now even more so.

I agree. Better to add to an existing thread than to start another one, IMO.
I know Im probably gonna get smashed but..I haven't had my kittie's or doggie to Vet in a few year's.We do the local rabie's clinic that come's through and have done some of our older cat's in the past with self vaccine's for parvo etc.You take your dog in for something major like a broken leg or something the next thing ya know ya got a $2000 vet bill for stuff, frontline, heartworm's,long nail's nappy fur test for this test for that etc.Not that I ever was in that situation BUT You get my point.If you have money to pay for all that stuff it's great.I have never had any major issue's with a pet except a dog I bought from a pet store once and it cost me over $1500 for vet bill because the the dog had corona virus.I should have sued them my vet told them too.AND I paid $650 for the dog to start!No wonder it's so hard for shelter's to adpot out.Here the only stipulations for adopting from county shelter if animal isnt neuter or spayed within an x amount of time(You have to show an appt. date for such procedure) you have to return animal or pay fine.Vet's have long wait list on those but it's basic rabies and tag within 30 day's and if you adopt they give you info on low cost spay/ neuter service.I buy some product's online and It has saved a ton of money over vet bill's.Most Vet's now charge an office visit if you walk through the door and sometime's not even with you pet.And to think some people even take their pet's to "Therapy"
. Sorry Smup my most loving companion you won't be getting that Plott In Prestige Pet Lawn and the casket when you are gone.But Dag nab It We still having fun and you still get a flea sometimes and wake me up at night scratching.I'd give ya a golden bone if I could.But You will get food and all the love and Yes you will get help if ya ever get really down.
Went to take a peek... clicked on the Wormers page... this just blows my mind... did you guys notice this??

Canex by Pfizer
Praziquantel, Pyrantel, Oxantel

Profender by Bayer
Emodepside, Praziquantel

Droncit Tapewormer by Bayer

Now Pfizer and Bayer you wanna step up and explain why you're hooking up the Aussies but us Americans can't buy your product? You'll sell us Viagra for pete's sake (oh man, NO pun intended) but something that SAVES ANIMAL LIVES is held back.


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