Vicious Rooster Please Help

Maybe he could have a personal time out pen like bobbi-j suggested.
Might cool his jets in the pen for a while and be ok. If you try everything you can and he is still nasty then deal with grandma.
And as far as catching him goes....well you can catch ANY chicken after dark, if they roost in a low enough place for you to get to...
After attacking hubby once or twice ours escalated to drawing blood. We had to resort to shooting him in the run. Not normally recommended, but DH is an awesome shot. His family likes to joke that he could've been a sniper. One of those poles with the wire loop on the end might work!
If it is dark.... the chickens are all roosting, sleeping.. you can go in and quietly pick one up when they are asleep, roosting. Take a towel to wrap him in and have a cage to put him in ready to go... supplied and open. (or some other place to isolate and contain him until time for the "hangman")
I know that I don't have the heart to kill my own chickens, but I have a neighbor/friend who will take care of any "problem" I have... soup, BBQ, or trash. I am grateful for someone else to do the dirty work for me when needed.
An aggressive rooster can put out an eye.... my brother had one that was aggressive, it came at him flying up.. cut his cheek (with its talon)... my brother is a big man, 6'3"... think what it could do to a child, or you.
"Raising Chickens for Dummies" says that the very first time a rooster comes after a person: SOUP. No exceptions, they only get worse.
Again, in my opinion, the secret to catching him, containing him is to get him now, tonight, while he is roosting, sleeping. You might want to have someone to help you, another adult to hold the towel and be ready to help hold him around the wings.
I'm sorry you have to go through this. Good luck.
IF you want to give it a try keeping him I have a method which has worked on every mean rooster I ever had. And that beat the hack out of him. I don't mean cruelly. But when ever you or anyone else goes into the pen take a stick and have a stand off. Don't back off until he admits defeat. Watch your back as you leave, don't let him feel he chased you out. Once he gets wary of the stick leave the stick and wear boots and jeans into the pen and continue the stand offs only this time kick him. Have you and anyone brave enough do this. Do you have fast brave little boys or girls? Have them join you after awhile. You have to teach him that all humans are higher then him on the pecking order. This isn't cruel, you are not really hurting them. They make the choice of how long it goes. He'll never be sweet but he'll respect humans.
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My dad says he is waiting for the rooster to attack my grandma and then he is sure that she will let us get rid of him. My mom wants to stuff him and put him in our house! LOL!!!! That would be so weird "That is my rooster, he was mean so we stuffed him." I would feel guilty with him staring at me all the time. haha. I've tried that method with a broom and he doesn't care, he just keeps coming. I chase him all over the yard with the broom and he never stops fighting it. I am worried about my 3 other roosters too. We free range our chickens during the day so all the roosters would be together. This rooster is aggressive and the other 3 are sweet so I am afraid he might attack them. Another little cochin got out 3 days ago and the rooster saw him and came bounding after him. The little cochin was only 13 weeks old and really tiny. He would have been killed if I wasn't there to push him into the coop and smack the rooster with a broom.
I bought a spray bottle and everytime I got neer my mean rooster I sprayed him with it he hated it and ran from me everytime I got close. I eventually got rid of him but have since lost 3 chickens to the neighbors cat!!! he would have protected him the new rooster just runs. so think about if he is really protecting his flock and get a water gun!!!
Does your grandma live with you (or your family with your grandma)? I was serious when I said to put him in his own pen and run for her to take care of. Of course, if it's HER place that you're living on, and HER chickens, that would be a different story. Then she gets to make the rules. If she doesn't live on the same property as you, maybe when she goes home the rooster could meet with an unfortunate accident with a hatchet. What if the rooster never goes after your grandma like your dad is hoping? The rest of you could have a long, miserable wait.

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