vines that chickens won't eat?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Sep 11, 2009
Hi Everyone, my hubby is finishing up my new chicken coop and when it is done I wanted to plant vines along one side of the chain link to give them shade and make the coop look a little better but I don't want to invest in something that they are just going to destroy. I would like to plant jasmine does anyone know if they will eat it? If so, are there any other suggestions? Thanks.
Mine don't mess with the vines on my fences. They don't usually mess with anything over about 24 inches.
Of course someone has chickens that fly to the top of their fences and eat everything.

I think you will have more problems with them scratching at the roots, unless they are protected.

I'll attach a couple links to toxic plants, but honestly I doin't worry much about it. First day I had chickens they ate all the leaves off my rhubarb without ill effect.

Imp- Good luck
dead ones
Seriosly though it's hard t find a plant that chickens won't eat. The only think in my yard they don't touch is the spruce tree anything else that is green and they can reach they eat.
I would plant what you like and just fence off the bottom of the plant, until it grows bigger. I have virginia creeper and trumpet flower(that are climbing on the fence and mature) and they really don't bother them. I planted beans too close to them last year- they ate all the bottom leaves, but it didn't really hurt the plant. Good luck!
Interesting thread, my girls won't eat Woodbine (also called Virginia Creeper), nor the berries it produces. Caution: this is a very aggressive, 'take over' kind of vine, not for everybody and everyplace. Hard to impossible to irradicate; however, on the plus side it works great on chain link fences, great for privacy and wild birds go nuts for the berries.
here's some info:
A friend of mine has barred rocks and they love her wisteria which is growing right beside the coop. They don't kill it but they eat all the pretty little flowers it produces.
Wow! Thanks for all the info everyone. I guess I will just plant a few and see what happens :)

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