Vinyl Shed to Coop conversion is done!

Your run looks nifty, but I don't see anythign to keep something from digging right under it? A coon or a skunk can dig fast and be in that run in a few minutes time. Since it's up already the buried wire approach is probably out. I'd be putting a hardware cloth apron out 2 ft alll the way around includign around the coop itself.
We did an apron of hardware cloth around the run that extends out between 1-2', it's just already buried (I forgot to take pics of it unburied).
It does extend to the sides of the coop somewhat, just not all the way around it. I may do that, though.
This is the post I was looking for!!! :D We are considering converting a vinyl shed we don't use into a coop and this post helps a lot with ideas!! Thank you!!!! :D
Oh! I forgot to ask you. Where do you live? Are you concerned with cold winters?? I'm in Maryland and using a vinyl shed concerns me when it comes to insulating for the winter. Have you had any problems???

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