
I took at your page and saw the California white chicken. wow they are pretty. They resemble the White Leghorn (maybe a little bigger but not much) beautiful combs. My Jill is my only Leghorn and she is pretty, small and lays beautiful medium/large eggs. She was traded for my RIR rooster Jake that was to aggressive. I do wish she was a little more friendly, but she is happy and I am to.

There is a local place that sells them if you are interested

Our's also free range very well!
I just LOVE them

What is your favorite hen?

I took at your page and saw the California white chicken. wow they are pretty. They resemble the White Leghorn (maybe a little bigger but not much) beautiful combs. My Jill is my only Leghorn and she is pretty, small and lays beautiful medium/large eggs. She was traded for my RIR rooster Jake that was to aggressive. I do wish she was a little more friendly, but she is happy and I am to.

There is a local place that sells them if you are interested

Our's also free range very well!
I just LOVE them

What is your favorite hen?


I kinda have 3 favorites in my small flock now maybe 4

1. Delaware (2 are very friendly one we named Nellie and the other my son calls Small Friend aka French fry) they hop in our laps and if I am kneeling down Nellie hops right up on my back. we had 5 hens but one passed away when they were a couple of months old. not sure why) we have 2 large ones and 2 smaller ones
2. Barred Rock ( I have 4 of these; 2 are friendly and the other are ok but not so outgoing)
3. Aracauns/Americana/EE ( I have 5 of these Suzie and Lucy are very friendly and the other one Annie is quite the little spitfire, she chases the roosters away so I don't even think they try to mate with her, Sally & Annie are a little skittish but they are still gorgeous)
4. I have one or 2 of the Red Star/RSL that i really like also (one is Momma who hatched out the 3 babies in August)

I have 4 roosters: Jack is my planned roo, he came with the girls last March and was sick for like 3 months last summer he just collapsed and wouldn't walk, stand, I treated him for Ricketts and after about 2 months of extra TLC he was on his feet walking and strutting around, he stayed out of the coop for almost 2 1/2 months in my garage. In the meantime we had a Red Star go broody and she hatched out 3 babies in August (she unfortunately hatched all roos and they are giving my girls a fit.) to much going on for them now. I plan to get rid of 2 of these boys and probably keep 1 to help Jack. they don't mess with Jack at all, just my girls. they are just to to many of them even with 35 girls. I have 3 hens (2 of my Delawares and a Barred Rock in the garage recooperating from to much loving) I just have a hard time lettin go of the boys because they were hatched by one of my girls.

Oh the boys are RIR dad Jake and REd Star Momma
I had no idea you were so close to me, MissPrissy!

Miss prissy,

I read the thread that if you see car that belongs to a person who works for BYC then you get a free bumper sticker.
Do you play this game?
If so, what does your car look like?


I was looking at your signature, and laughed that maybe its in the Roanoke City water lol We too have a zoo, I am looking for another Chihuahua or a Poodle!

I am banning myself from Holdrens and TSC for the next couple months, I am hoping for some more Orps from a local BYC poster!!!
MomtoSyd&Emma :

I was looking at your signature, and laughed that maybe its in the Roanoke City water lol We too have a zoo, I am looking for another Chihuahua or a Poodle!

I am banning myself from Holdrens and TSC for the next couple months, I am hoping for some more Orps from a local BYC poster!!!

LOL must be the water cause Id love to figure out how to manage a pygmy goat
those little things are so cute!!! but my husband may commit me for that one LOL!

Banning would be wise
Im already at the 10 limit! no more unless some of the silkies are roos which is likely, silkies are tiny though I wonder if 2 count as one? haha...

A friend of mine has a chihuahua that will most likely be looking for a home in the next couple of months. Why she gets them then moves somewhere that doesnt allow pets is beyond me
she'll be looking for a home if she gets busted with him...​
I was looking at your signature, and laughed that maybe its in the Roanoke City water lol We too have a zoo, I am looking for another Chihuahua or a Poodle!

I am banning myself from Holdrens and TSC for the next couple months, I am hoping for some more Orps from a local BYC poster!!!

LOL must be the water cause Id love to figure out how to manage a pygmy goat
those little things are so cute!!! but my husband may commit me for that one LOL!

Banning would be wise
Im already at the 10 limit! no more unless some of the silkies are roos which is likely, silkies are tiny though I wonder if 2 count as one? haha...

A friend of mine has a chihuahua that will most likely be looking for a home in the next couple of months. Why she gets them then moves somewhere that doesnt allow pets is beyond me
she'll be looking for a home if she gets busted with him...

I would LOVE a goat, but Rke city laws only allow us to keep one for 24 hours before it has to be removed from the property, the kicker is we have almost an acre! As far as the Chi goes, we have to have a female as our male Chi doesnt like other males lol
MomtoSyd&Emma :

I would LOVE a goat, but Rke city laws only allow us to keep one for 24 hours before it has to be removed from the property, the kicker is we have almost an acre! As far as the Chi goes, we have to have a female as our male Chi doesnt like other males lol

What is the point of letting you keep it for 24 hours if you then have to get rid of it? Doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

Can it come back? Maybe your neighbor would like a goat as well. Just switch yards every 24 hours.
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What is the point of letting you keep it for 24 hours if you then have to get rid of it? Doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

Can it come back? Maybe your neighbor would like a goat as well. Just switch yards every 24 hours.

Dont laugh but the thought has crossed my mind lol I have a neighbor next door that doesnt give a hoot what we have, he actually LIKES the chickens lol

I think the ordinance is so people can "rent" goats for clearing brush.

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