
I'm not sure about how CCLs do in VA summer heat, but I'll be finding out myself. I'm just starting my flock. I'll be watching to see if anyone with experience has any input on this, as I've been wondering myself.

I have had them before, and they do very well! My CCL’s were some of my best producers. The eggs are gorgeous. Sadly, my last two adult CCLs (along with some of my other favorites) were taken out by a coyote at the end of last summer . So I had to replenish. I have never had bielefelders before, so I was eager to add them to the mix. So far, they are some of the sweetest chix I’ve had. Even the cockerels are totally mellow. Also, I hate to be superficial, but the roosters are REALLY turning out pretty. And I do like me some eye candy in the hen house! I have too many Roos, though, so I am going to have to give one or two up. It will be hard to do, though, I like them all.
Hi there! I'm a new member in Clarke county, and I run a little flock of freerange egg layers. I've gone a few years with my own barnyard mix of fayoumis, hamburg, dark cornish, lakenvelder, and a couple black sumatra hens who insist on brooding ALL the eggs they can tuck under their little butts, haha. I had one hatch and raise 23 chicks last year!

My flock are great layers but I'd like to expand and add colour this year. I'm especially interested in welsummer or penedescenca for dark brown eggs, and am particularly into the isbars and legbars for blue and greens. Would love to find local breeders for any of the above. Thanks!
I'm not sure about how CCLs do in VA summer heat, but I'll be finding out myself. I'm just starting my flock. I'll be watching to see if anyone with experience has any input on this, as I've been wondering myself.

If they have any shade at all then most breeds (if not all) should be fine here. I ran a few CCLs in my flock until last year and they did absolutely fine. I have an open air coop, built within a copse of maple trees so plenty of shade. I make no extra plans for heat or cold and the birds do well. I did break down and buy heaters for their watering system just because I got tired of the ice hassle (auto waterer - nipples). I have (or have had) Legbars, Brahmas, Svart Hona, Orpington, Leghorn, Polish, Marans, Ameraucana, Mutts, and Rocks (my flock is majority Horstman Rocks presently), and have never made any extra accommodations for them.
Does anyone live within driving distance from Lee county Virginia who will have any of the following this year: Delaware pullets, midget white ( or other broad breasted turkey poults, or silver apple yard ducks? I'd rather buy local vs using hatching eggs or buying day olds from a hatchery. I'll be trying to attend some swaps when they start up, but I thought I'd put it out there on here too.

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