
Probably passed by my dirt road. Not a very big place. If he ever has to work there again let him know stop shop market has an awesome deli. That’s a long travel for work but I understand because that’s how I know where Dillwyn is... work
Yeah he works in farmville for an HVAC company. But they have contracts with a few of the home warranty places so they travel up to a few hours away at times.

I definitely didn't know where partlow was until they worked there. I grew up in Blackstone. Nobody knows where it is unless they're Methodist and went to the retreat center there. Our claim to fame is bea Arthur went to college there. Lol
That’s funny because my husband is working in Blackstone right now. And I definitely know plenty about Farmville because I have a lot of family out that way. And Partlow I’m siillbtrying to find our claim to fame. Not sure that we have one. We’re still trying to come up with one. LOL
Love it! Tiny towns for the win.

Wasn't the roots character supposed to be from partlow? I know there was some dispute over whether he was real but I think the person from Alex haleys family that kinte was based on lived there/was a slave on a farm there. I remember reading something about that on the Alex haley farm in Tennessee years ago. But could have the locations mixed up. It was half my life ago.
I don’t know about the roots character. Isn’t the roots some kind of new movie that came out? I can’t keep up with that. No Internet and no TV it’s kind a like I live in a vacuum. LOL small towns are the best. Used to live in Fredericksburg like in town and it was just too much for me. I could see a movie like that taking place in Partlow though. I’ve never seen so many Rebel flags in this small amount of miles before. Actually Partlows claim to fame might be home of the rednecks. ( eye roll ) lol. Grew up in Spotsy so got used to them
Roots was a TV miniseries years ago in the 80s maybe. I'm not sure, mom had us watch it every February but I remember it being out as long as I can remember (will be 30 on sunday) I think they redid the movie 2 years ago or so.

The children's defense fund uses or owns the old alex haley farm in Tennessee as a conference center. I've been to a few retreats there but honestly don't remember the context of what I read.

No TV?! No internet?! :barnie I guess I cant say too much about not keeping up. Every year we are given an unlimited movie card to AMC. I (and 3 friends) can see a movie free every few hours if I want. Its been over two years since I went to a movie.
Probably been close to two years for me too. Especially since my daughter is 16 and is much too cool to go to a movie with me. LOL. Being born in 82 I’m surprised I don’t remember that TV series. Not having Internet when we moved in seven years ago didn’t really seem too big of a deal but man stuff changed. It gets a little bit harder as time goes by.... I finally reduced to advancing from the flip phone to a smart phone less than two years ago. But I can’t say too much bad about the Internet otherwise I wouldn’t of found backyard chickens!
Hey Virginians!
Just randomly asking, I am not at this time planning to act on it but is anyone from Stafford, Virginia? Do you have roosters? Are we allowed to? I will eventually go look it up, just wondering if anyone out there has experience.

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