
Just for that:
lol! I'd eat my extras, but I have a problem with the actual killing part when it comes to ones I've raised up from chicks because I tend to get attached. If I can refrain from naming them, I may be ok, but I'd still rather rehome. Maybe I'll luck out and won't end up with many roosters.
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Welcome, Scott.

Check out CraigsList for some baby chicks in your area.

There are always people with chicks for sale.

Also, go to the local swaps.

Good luck and enjoy your chickens!

There's a breeder about an hour away from Richmond (so not awfully far from Charlottesville) who sells lemon-blue (which if bred a certain way can give splash as well, I believe) LF Cochins (not a standard LF color, but they're very pretty):

, I ordered 6 cochin and 6 Ameraucana chics from them, but I don't have a ship date yet. They're straight run, so I'll probably end up with extras if you'd be interested. I live in Patrick Co., VA, which is around 1 and 1/2 hours south of Roanoke. I think you're closer to the people I'm buying from, but if you'd like, I could let you know when I get them and when I can tell how many roos and hens I have, and we could work something out to meet in Roanoke or somewhere. Right now I'm just hoping I don't end up with all roosters, which is always a worry when I have to get straight run chicks.

Anybody interested in any extra roosters I might have when I finally get them?

Thanks for that link, those lemon blues are very pretty. I will be very interested in getting a few of them when you have some to spare
I think I may go ahead and order from Ideal. They sell their blue cochins sexed(I've always had horrible luck with straight run chicks), and Ive been eyeing some barred cochins too.
Hi Mommysongbird,

Nice to hear from you. I got all my chicks from Tractor Supply in Christiansburg. I have a bunch of sex links, barred rock, australorp, americana, white rock, 2 cornish rock (chicken and dumplings!), and some leghorns. I ordered some brown African geese from Ideal poultry in Texas. I got them in since I made my last post, and they are doing great. Ideal also has some breeds of chickens that can be sent to Virginia also incase anyone is interested. Real nice people to deal with too.
Hi Mommysongbird,

Nice to hear from you. I got all my chicks from Tractor Supply in Christiansburg. I have a bunch of sex links, barred rock, australorp, americana, white rock, 2 cornish rock (chicken and dumplings!), and some leghorns. I ordered some brown African geese from Ideal poultry in Texas. I got them in since I made my last post, and they are doing great. Ideal also has some breeds of chickens that can be sent to Virginia also incase anyone is interested. Real nice people to deal with too.

We went to Tractor Supply in C'burg SEVERAL times but didn't buy not one chick. Mommy has lots of willpower.
Everytime we went in there my son wanted to bring a few home and I kept telling him that we had eggs at home in the bator, so I always got out okay.

We are STILL trying to get our coop finished so that our babes can go outside. We live in a rural neighborhood and can't free range, so they are stuck in the dog crate until we can get it finished which I hope might be today, if ONLY the rains hold out. I know we need the rain, but I kinda wish it would go away for a bit and then come back when our gardens need it during the summer.

It is official, we have 4 roos, the other 3 crowed this AM and mamma is NOT happy. One is an EE or I have been told that is what he is. Two of them are my white ones, have NO idea what they are, somebody on here said Sultan's but they don't have feathered legs/feet and the only other one that I can find that resembles them is a Houdan, so who knows. All of them may be crossed with Araucana.
I'll let you know on the cochins! I told them to hold off on setting the eggs for a bit as I'm expecting my Ideal order, and we just started on our new coop, which is turning into a big job. Who was the one that wanted the ginormous coop and run?! Ooooh, right, it was me!
I ordered some Gold Brabanters from Ideal that should come today or tomorrow. There's only supposed to be one roo in the bunch, so I hope that's the case.
It's my first order from a hatchery, too.
I live in New Kent County, about 15 minutes from the outlets in Williamsburg. Anybody know much about how to care for the chickens in the winter? Do I need to do much or is there rabbit hutch type coop ok?
I'll let you know on the cochins! I told them to hold off on setting the eggs for a bit as I'm expecting my Ideal order, and we just started on our new coop, which is turning into a big job. Who was the one that wanted the ginormous coop and run?! Ooooh, right, it was me!
I ordered some Gold Brabanters from Ideal that should come today or tomorrow. There's only supposed to be one roo in the bunch, so I hope that's the case.
It's my first order from a hatchery, too.

I am so super excited about these lemon blues, you have no idea! I've seen them on BYC but figured I didn't have a snowballs chance of getting any! Since those guys are SR, I would be more than happy to help out with the rooster situation if you end up with a bunch
good luck with your Ideal babies! Please let me know how your experience is with them. I'm really considering ordering from them as well. I ordered from McMurray (first mail order chicks), and have been very pleased. Have a blessed day

Edit: good luck with your coop too! I had to have the whole shebang as well. I threw a "coop raising party" had a cook out, supplied some beer. Hubby and his buddies got it done in 2 days. I was impressed, a little beer and food went a long way!
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I work in Fairfax Va, and my farm is outside of Martinsburg, WV. I am very new to chickens but have learned alot just talking to people and using this site. Craigslist is a good place to find chickens but the person who started me off with chickens was Carol from Chicken Junkies. She is GREAT!
She is located in Hedgesville, WV. She is also a member of this site and has a website called Tell her Fran sent you. Welcome to BYC forum.

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