
Hi everyone! I am new to BYC. We live in Loudoun County but keep our chickens on a farm in Rappahannock County. I am incubating a second batch of eggs right now, day 13 and the chicks will be Golden Laced Wynadottes or mixed GLW/Buff Orpingtons. We keep the chicks here at the house for a couple of weeks. We have 7 year old twins and they love the baby chicks. Then, they go to a brooder coop on the farm until they are old enough to free range and move in with the existing flock.

I also ordered some 1 day old chicks, Russian Orloff (as many as hatch) and fill in with Barred Rock chicks to make a full batch for a fellow BYC member.

Checking out our local HOA rules and planning to get a backyard coop to keep 3-4 hens here in the burbs too!

Looking forward to getting to know my neighbors in the VA thread!
They had a sign up... closed Monday and Tuesday.

Yeah, saw that on the way to work this afternoon..... guess I have to wait until Wednesday
Though that would give me enough time to get a section of this garden prepped for them and then a 4 day weekend to get them planted ;)
So... my closest TSC swap is really bad evidently. Last month, dropped by around 11 am or so and there was nobody. This weekend, stopped by at 8 am, and 2 people selling..... pigeons. Not that I have anything against pigeons, I just don't want any. Went back around 10 and one other guy showed up with hen/roo pair of adult leghorns. Pretty birds actually, especially the rooster but I may have a few myself once the chicks grow into adults and I can be certain. 11:30, one other guy shows up with about 5 roosters. All in all, there were maybe 20 total birds there; a dozen of which were pigeons. :(

That being said; how is the Christiansburg and Roanoke swaps as far as numbers go? variety?
Quote: How did you manage a 4 day weekend? GOOD FOR YOU

Hey - hatching news! 2 of Hurra's chicks hatched Saturday - both black with white wingtips. I got the new perch/shelf finished and closed in the area below it for a nursery. Sola and the chicks are at one end with a big rubber feed pan for a nest box and Nova is still in the tote with the other 5 eggs.
While I was moving Sola and the chicks, she stopped at the pie pan of chick starter. The chicks walked around in it but I didn't see them eat or drink anything. Should I be worried?????
Nah, she'll take care of them. A lot of times the babies don't eat for the first day since they are still absorbing the yolk.

I had to pull in favors to get that 4 days....... And I'm refusing to answer the phone if the number for the store comes up.... or the boss's number.... or the other 2 key holders.... I'm going off grid for 96 hours
They OWE me this!

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