
Happy New Year from Botetourt County!
Best wishes on your hatch. I really wanted to do the New Year Hatchalong but I already have 2 brooders full of chicks.

LOL I just moved the 6 oldest outside today to make room for this next bunch... it's 39 degrees, I found them laying down in the shavings outside of their house... I think they'll do just fine, though I did relocate them inside and shut the door... we're still having raccoon problems. 5 more gone in the last week, including 2 more 'irreplacables' - my blue mottled bantam cochin roo and my only blrw bantam pullet.
LOL I just moved the 6 oldest outside today to make room for this next bunch... it's 39 degrees, I found them laying down in the shavings outside of their house... I think they'll do just fine, though I did relocate them inside and shut the door... we're still having raccoon problems. 5 more gone in the last week, including 2 more 'irreplacables' - my blue mottled bantam cochin roo and my only blrw bantam pullet.
Oh no!! I hope the raccoon hits the road soon. I had my first loss to a hawk on Christmas day. I kept them in a couple days and the day I let them out again, it hits again. Same breed, silver spangled hamburgs. This time we saw the hawk land back in the run and ran out there to scare it off. We were greeted at the door by my SLW too, protecting the injured ssh. She got banged up, and is blind in her right eye, but is now back in the coop with the flock. I really hope things get better for you.
actually what's left of my blrw pullet is in the live trap... i'm hoping he'll finish what he started and I won't have to lose any more to catch this bugger.

and no, trapped coons do NOT get relocated. especially not when they've taken to eating my birds.
Oh absolutely. You might catch me camped out all night waiting for the bugger if we had a problem here.

Strange how I used to think certain things were cute or fascinating… until I got chickens and found out who the threats were!

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