
BRRRRrrrrrrrr !!!

It is 8° here in Lovettsville, VA. Good Morning Virginia!!!
yeah, seriously!!!!!! where is my global warming!!!! I was kinda counting on it!!!!

All the outdoor water for the animals has been solidly frozen since before thanksgiving, it seems…okay we had that one warm snap right before Christmas for a couple days, but that’s it!! I feel so bad for the chickens…they all look one-legged, trying to keep the other one warm. and are huddled under the goat house. but I keep telling myself that the tiny birds at my bird feeder are still okay and they are much smaller than a chicken
I just went and invested in a heated waterrer that we are going to install today in the new coop. you can only top off with hot water for so long until you fill the bowls too much, it freezes solid and you are out of luck.
sitting here in my big poofy down robe looking like a staypuff marshmallow, drinking my coffee. DH built a fire in the wood stove. Cooked Chili on it last night. was perfect for this weather!
Need to de-Christmas the house today.
yeah, seriously!!!!!! where is my global warming!!!! I was kinda counting on it!!!!

All the outdoor water for the animals has been solidly frozen since before thanksgiving, it seems…okay we had that one warm snap right before Christmas for a couple days, but that’s it!! I feel so bad for the chickens…they all look one-legged, trying to keep the other one warm. and are huddled under the goat house. but I keep telling myself that the tiny birds at my bird feeder are still okay and they are much smaller than a chicken
I just went and invested in a heated waterrer that we are going to install today in the new coop. you can only top off with hot water for so long until you fill the bowls too much, it freezes solid and you are out of luck.
sitting here in my big poofy down robe looking like a staypuff marshmallow, drinking my coffee. DH built a fire in the wood stove. Cooked Chili on it last night. was perfect for this weather!
Need to de-Christmas the house today.

I haven't had frozen solid till this morning! There's always been a sheet of ice on top, but always water underneath or in the middle. Not this morning! And I can't do a heated electricity out to the coop OR the goat shed! So guess who gets to haul hot water every morning?? This gal!
Well the past few days were 3F and with wind chill feeling at -22F, yes I am not in VA. Heated water line in barn has been frozen for 3 days, have been bucketing it from the house. Today is a balmy 24F and I have water again

Stay warm everyone!!!
Well the past few days were 3F and with wind chill feeling at -22F, yes I am not in VA. Heated water line in barn has been frozen for 3 days, have been bucketing it from the house. Today is a balmy 24F and I have water again

Stay warm everyone!!!
Hey you honorary Virginian! Run down to Fla and bring back some warmer weather!

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