
I am in Central VA, Lynchburg area. My electric heated chicken waterer has been freezing, every night, even though it sits on hay inside the chicken house. Can't believe this long cold spell.
If anyone knows of someone with an extra Rhode Island Red rooster in my area, I've been looking for one for a couple months and am having no luck. I'm happy to pay a reasonable price for it, or trade for my Blue Copper Maran rooster. I hope to hatch some purebred Rhode Islands in the spring.
-2° here this morning... I heard a strange tapping at the front door while I was moving around the house this morning. I went to investigate, and found the red stuff from my glass thermometer trying to get in.

Seriously, anybody else in Central Va this low? My mom says she's showing 11°, but I believe her's is sheltered in a nook of the house...

I am, but I'm close to Shannon Hill Road, 2 miles from I-64. It was so cold this morning, I didn't go out and take care of the chickens and goats until the sun hit the coop and goat house, which was around 9 because of the trees. Too bloody cold, and I didn't want any heat that built up in the coop to escape too soon before the chickens had sunlight to help keep them warm (I do deep litter method, so the poo keeps the coop a little warmer than the outside).
My order from mcmurry of 31 chicks came dead :'( I have always bought local but with a family reunion coming up I was trying to have birds ready for the kids for a farm visit. Needless to say my kids and myself were heartbroken :'( a nice gal told me about the 4H program and they lent me an incubator so now I'm trying to find eggs. We are having a small family reunion and there will be 8 children ages 7 mo, 2, 3, 7, 7, 8, and 11 that I would like for them to be able to watch the eggs hatch when they get here feb 20th. I am in stafford and looking for birds that lay rainbow eggs of any sorts of greens blues or pinks and then some of the frizzle and brightly colored birds like wyandottes and such. stuff kids would get a kick out of the next time they all come out again and get to collect the eggs and see them all grown into full birds. sooo i gotta get ahold of the eggs pretty quickly for them to hatch while they are here for the week of the 20th. I am also looking for some seebies and muscovies ( kids want the blue eyed ones but i dont really care either way, ducks are ducks IMO :) ) If you can help me out let me know. Please pm me what your rates are. I am near Ruby as well. I can't do a whole lot of traveling either, I have recently put my back out so things are being rough and those long drives hurt needless to say :) THANKS!!!
yeah it really hit hard because we had to move since we are military from washinton state to virginia and had to rehome our flock and starting over and get a box of dead peepers. it has been stressful for sure
Alright...well if Mareks is not that unusual, perhaps selling hatching eggs and /or chicks isn't that big a deal.

I guess I could incubate the chicks elsewhere if I am really that worried about it being airborne.

It really was only the Dorkings that were falling prey to the Mareks. I lost 3. The other breeds were fine.  I haven't heard it being a problem with other people who have dorkings, though.  So maybe they just haven't ever been exposed to have any resistances.  I love the dorkings...they have great personalities.  So perhaps I will only breed them for myself this year from the ones that survived and see how they do.

i never saw it until a few years ago. it comes from the wild birds. i cull as soon as i see it so there are no survivors to breed from. i guess it is mareks, others have called it range paralysis. i only breed from birds that have never shown any sign of sickness. i am hoping to see no losses this year from whatever it is. if the parent birds got it and survived from it then in all likelihood they might be carriers and pass it to the offspring
-2° here this morning... I heard a strange tapping at the front door while I was moving around the house this morning. I went to investigate, and found the red stuff from my glass thermometer trying to get in.

Seriously, anybody else in Central Va this low? My mom says she's showing 11°, but I believe her's is sheltered in a nook of the house...
-6 in sw Virginia this morning... I won't repeat what I said when I saw that...
yeah it really hit hard because we had to move since we are military from washinton state to virginia and had to rehome our flock and starting over and get a box of dead peepers. it has been stressful for sure

i'll warn you... BOTH shipments I got from them last year were dead as well... and that was in march and april! part of theproblem IMO is that st Louis is well known for losing boxes of eggs and chicks all the time. adult birds seem to go thru quickly, they make too much noise and stink. LOL

I still have a credit with them, because I am hesitant about trying again.
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