
So a phoenix is an onagadori??
the Phoenix of today, as I understand, an I do have Phoenix, Phoenix Bantam and Ohiki, do carry some genes but I know of NO full blooded Onagadori alive today. Check with the experts as I am not an expert and can only relay my own experiences. Mine have some element of Onagadori blood line but not a full blooded. And my ohiki have some elements of other birds in their background like, 9 or so years ago. But it was necessary.
I guess the rooster games are getting to you?
With a lot of roosters, there is always an excess of hormones as noted and drama! I have a number of young cream legbar cockerels with huge combs already and only two months old trying to breed the absolutely not ready pullets. Too much wear and tear on the poor girls! Separation is happening and caponization is coming!
Oh they sure are. I have the two that I want (Willie, the mean Roo, but super protector) and his sidekick, Cielo. These crazy leghorn cockerels were packing peanuts. Eight have taken to roosting in the pine tree near the coop at night. I wave each evening and wish them good luck. I might be able to tolerate them if they were as pretty as a cream legbar! These guys are also harassing the pullets that are the same age. They even mess up and try to make a move on the hens… that never turns out well for them. Willie (who has been proving his worth around the homestead and will no longer need to make a career change to the kitchen) does his best to keep the peace, but there are just too many of them.

I also have at least four 6 week old mutts my broody hatched that are showing roosterish traits. Anyone need a mutt rooster?

Good thing we have a big freezer.
the Phoenix of today, as I understand, an I do have Phoenix, Phoenix Bantam and Ohiki, do carry some genes but I know of NO full blooded Onagadori alive today. Check with the experts as I am not an expert and can only relay my own experiences. Mine have some element of Onagadori blood line but not a full blooded. And my ohiki have some elements of other birds in their background like, 9 or so years ago. But it was necessary.

Makes sense. i was confused. :) all that i have learned from chickens is in the few books I've read, so I didn't realize that there were breeds other than the phoenix that were long tailed. sounds very interesting! Good luck in your genetic questions.

I'll step out of the conversation. Sorry for unwittingly ruffling your feathers... I shouldn't have jumped in with questions. :)
I like the looks of the fly ties I saw on Google Images. They look very classy!

They are majestic.
They are treasured.
They are expensive to buy.
They are expensive to care for.
And they are Spoiled.
They do not eat run of the mill feed from the store.
They have a special diet that I use to suppliment their free ranging along the creek and the garden. They especially live crayfish from the creek and my swiss chard in the garden. They strip bare all Blueberry, Blackberry and raspberry plants around.
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Makes sense. i was confused. :) all that i have learned from chickens is in the few books I've read, so I didn't realize that there were breeds other than the phoenix that were long tailed. sounds very interesting! Good luck in your genetic questions.

I'll step out of the conversation. Sorry for unwittingly ruffling your feathers... I shouldn't have jumped in with questions. :)

Questions did not ruffle my feathers.
Making snap judgement of being sorry for the birds was a tad insulting, if you think about it. They are expensive, treasured, well loved and cared
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Questions did not ruffle my feathers.
Making snap judgement of being sorry for the birds was a tad insulting, if you think about it. They are expensive, treasured, well loved and cared
Edit: just read your updated post.. I never said you had a mill... I never said they are a bad breed or that you in particular were at fault. I just made a comment about their extraordinarily long tails, as i had never seen any that long. The search I did on google was on Google Images... And all I did was browse the pictures there in open mouth wonder that there was such a bird with such long tails!! My second response to the birds was feeling sorry for them BECAUSE THEY HAVE SUCH LONG CUMBERSOME TAILS! same as I feel kinda sorry for hairless cats! It had nothing whatsoever to do with you, and everything to do with a passing feeling of compassion for the complicated task they must have of just walking around. I wont feel sorry for them though if it offends you.

im terribly sorry for the misunderstanding.

Once more, I'm VERY SORRY That my thoughtless comment cause such a stir. My most humble apologies sent your way! I will try to be more careful what I say in the future.
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Oh they sure are. I have the two that I want (Willie, the mean Roo, but super protector) and his sidekick, Cielo. These crazy leghorn cockerels were packing peanuts. Eight have taken to roosting in the pine tree near the coop at night. I wave each evening and wish them good luck. I might be able to tolerate them if they were as pretty as a cream legbar! These guys are also harassing the pullets that are the same age. They even mess up and try to make a move on the hens… that never turns out well for them. Willie (who has been proving his worth around the homestead and will no longer need to make a career change to the kitchen) does his best to keep the peace, but there are just too many of them.

I also have at least four 6 week old mutts my broody hatched that are showing roosterish traits. Anyone need a mutt rooster?

Good thing we have a big freezer.
So when do the hormones start kicking in? My guys are about 11 weeks old, and they are crowing already, but they are getting along fine. I have 2 orpingtons, 1 dorking, and maybe a wyandotte cockerel all together with 16 pullets. So far they are scared stiff of my one year old Dutch bantam. I have to laugh at poor old Solomon... he has two hens, but whenever I let everyone out to free range, the youngsters all keep to themselves, and pretty much try to steer FAR AWAY from the 2 pounds of dynamite beside the house. :p It drives him crazy! He wants those pullets SO BAD, but they run screaming whenever he tries to corral them. :D

I tried to be patient and explained as much as I could. With every reply. Sometimes I believe I was explaining as your sending another reply as I was sending a reply and that sometimes happens. I certainly tried not to sound insulting. Sometimes these forums do not express tone. I think we both learned something from this. The interenet is not always a good source of true information. Getting information from those that own is best but being careful not to come off as judgement even if someone were not even trying to sound that way, is even better. I so not have the patience to teach. I have all the patience in the world for my son. I try and be careful to answer others questions or address their remarks. Maybe I should ignore questions or remarks but I have learned that does not always go over well for me to deliberately ignore others at this site and that is why I continued to address remarks and questions. I was hoping to engage Fly-Ties fans but if I were reading this I would not, I would PM if anything. I still consider you a friend. Lol! So when are you going further south for two hour drive? I will buy you a soda!
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I tried to be patient and explained as much as I could. With every reply. Sometimes I believe I was explaining as your sending another reply as I was sending a reply and that sometimes happens. I certainly tried not to sound insulting. Sometimes these forums do not express tone. I think we both learned something from this. The interenet is not always a good source of true information. Getting information from those that own is best but being careful not to come off as judgement even if someone were not even trying to sound that way, is even better. I so not have the patience to teach. I have all the patience in the world for my son. I try and be careful to answer others questions or address their remarks. Maybe I should ignore questions or remarks but I have learned that does not always go over well for me to deliberately ignore others at this site and that is why I continued to address remarks and questions. I was hoping to engage Fly-Ties fans but if I were reading this I would not, I would PM if anything. I still consider you a friend. Lol! So when are you going further south for two hour drive? I will buy you a soda!
Hey, I PMed you.. no hard feelings. :) My policy is to be as polite and thorough online as I would be in person! If I ever get too blunt and/or unkind... someone kick me. I will be careful in the future. :) I was trying to post with my phone, and wasn't being thorough and was sending too short of posts, and it just wasn't working!
So when do the hormones start kicking in? My guys are about 11 weeks old, and they are crowing already, but they are getting along fine. I have 2 orpingtons, 1 dorking, and maybe a wyandotte cockerel all together with 16 pullets. So far they are scared stiff of my one year old Dutch bantam. I have to laugh at poor old Solomon... he has two hens, but whenever I let everyone out to free range, the youngsters all keep to themselves, and pretty much try to steer FAR AWAY from the 2 pounds of dynamite beside the house. :p It drives him crazy! He wants those pullets SO BAD, but they run screaming whenever he tries to corral them. :D
Well, I have only been keeping chickens for a year, but I can tell you that my silver laced wyandotte rooster didn't crow until about 15 weeks. I don't think he was interested in the pullets until after they were laying. These leghorn cockerels have been crowing since probably 10 weeks. It seems like the past week or so they have really stepped it up in terms of harassing the ladies. I even got a half attempt flog to the back of my legs by one of them on the way down to the coop. I think these guys mature faster than the heavier breeds, wyandottes and orphingtons (someone correct me if I am wrong). I have yet to witness my EE cockerel of the same age crowing or making moves on the girls.

Willie, the mature rooster does not harass the young girls, but he does try to keep them all close and share treats with them. He even lingers near the broody coop/run and talks to the 6 week olds and offers them food. He has done that since they were a week old. He earns major points from me for that!

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