
Nice to meet you and thanks for the welcome!

Judging by your username looks like you're a fellow beekeeper. I wonder what percentage of us start with one (bees or chickens) and get lured into the other?

As for the chickens, I have a feeling I might already be addicted. Looks like I'm going to have to exercise a lot of restraint.

Off and on here and there. Move 3,000 miles here, 2,500 Miles there, 1,500 here, there and everywhere. And then some. Start it and sell it out to move just to do it again later on. Really retiring now so BUT still have my limits. Must be from all the year's moving orders.
We had a good turn out in woodstock. But as usual I went to sell and ended up buying. Lol we sold some barred rocksa few rabbits and some guineas. Then bought 4 wine rights a bourbon hen Turkey a guinea pig and was given a rooster. So it was good day. But I was very happy to get a new young bourbon and only paid 20 for her and she is pretty darn tame.
That should be Wyandottes not wine rights. Lol auto correct strikes again.

That is why I have spell check turned off. I would rather come close to correct as I sit in the back seat bouncing down the road than missingthe side of the barn! Have we ever hone and not come back with more? Somewhere, someone is making out.
Hypothetical genetic question. What would happen if I had a pen full of Cochin Bantams - with no two the same color. Would the resulting chicks be weird colors, or would they still be throwing SOP colors?

If that wouldn't work, what would be colors that would work with say the red Cochin? Or what about Birchen? Or perhaps Golden Laced?
Hypothetical genetic question. What would happen if I had a pen full of Cochin Bantams - with no two the same color. Would the resulting chicks be weird colors, or would they still be throwing SOP colors?

If that wouldn't work, what would be colors that would work with say the red Cochin? Or what about Birchen?
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Think it over,

Are you asking what would happen if you mixed a red with a birchin? What will be your end result you are trying to obtain? What do you want in the end. Sue are you trying to make make Calicos? That takes several generations. Since this is chickens we are talking about they don't take as long as designer babies so how much space, time and such are you talking about?

You are aware that when you put a pullet/hen in with a cockerel/Rooster it could be days before her eggs has anything to do with him and vice versa mixing her up with another roo.
What do you mean throw a bunch of roosters in a pen? I pray that the roos were all born & raised together and still get along before you do that. That could look as if a chicken exploded if they begin to fight for their lady faire. Who will champion the virture of fair maiden? What will be come of all these mutts and mongrils when your done?

You realize every egg I have hatched with Cochin Bantams I get more guys than gals hatch. Some say its 50-50. Really? Did they count each girls hatchings and each day, week, month, year, or lifetime of the girl? Did every pullet/ hen have a separate breeding pen that she lives in all the time to document what she was mated with and the tally. Before I set up a pen and let loose a bunch of roos, which may turn into a bloody mess the moment your back is turned and that also could be looked at as cruel,... Think it over.

I have been working on getting a Jubilee colored Cochin Bantam for years! Still not there yet but getting close. My Calicos took years. I dont know what you would do hypothetically with all those roos, I am selling roos cochin bantams that are all different types they were born within weeks of eachother and raised together since birth and have never been separated. They are pure breds. I do not have pure breed hens. All my girls carry the Calico gene. I have sold and traded them. I worked long and hard in that. And gave away alot of roos and pullets that cost plenty of time, money and space. But I suceeded and I am done. I have Calico cochins. They are the first to go at my swaps. I am not willing to tell anyone what all I went through and at what costs(I need my head examined because I will never recoup. In fact I am getting out of it now...I list so much money and time on a project that all I had to do was show up and buy what I wanted and did not, I bred till I got it and at what costs & time?

Orpingtons and Ohiki plus my Calico Broody hens because they are the absolute best broody hens in the world as far as I am concerned. So if your looking for pure bred roos that were born and raised together, eating, sleeping, exploring and living together then I have them. And will be taking them to the Rocky Mount Chicken Swap.


Currently I am looking for new to add to my flocks of Ohiki, and my son's flocks of phoenix bantams. New blood. I also have been working on Black on black. Svart Hona/Ayam Cemanis. Getting close to perfection. Not there yet. It takes a long time, good thing I have always loved science. How I came apon it I got some Fibro Mels from Aubrey and worked it in with mine. The Fibros mels were a surprise to me last fall in my Phoenix Bantams hatching eggs, I was so happy when the new hatchings took on darker than dark weeks after birth. It happened again this sprIng with hatching eggs from him.

I was doing cart wheels, no really. Cart wheels. When breeding to attain a goal You will need separte pens, take lots of COMPLETE notes, tag them with colored leg rings. I never heard of throwing them into a pen and hope for your goal to be attained but who knows?

Long ago We had chickens, different chickens they were called Malays. They were very tall, (never again) they all lived together in a hen house. As they got older they started doing the chest bump in the garden And I thought I would have to do something about that soon enough. Separate them sell off a couple of boys. I went off for the day and returned late at night. The chickens went to bed on their own and I locked up the hen house. The next morning I opened the chicken house to let them out and it looked like there had been exoding chickens. It was a bloody mess, my husband was working and gone with his men. I had to rake parts out and scrub down that hen house by myself. NEVER again. AND THEY WERE BORN AND RAISED WITH EACH OTHER. SO IF THAT WERE TO HAPPEN NOW ADAYS, SOMEONE MIGHT CALL THE ANIMAL CRUELTY PREVENTION TEAM. It was unexpected and an accident and I did not have backyard chickens to fore warn me. Never again!
No, I'm not trying to create anything... I just wanted to know what colors are compatible with eachother - and if I happened to be able to get a mixed straight run of Cochin bantams next year from Cackle Hatchery (I can't get any more chickens this year) Would there be awful colors showing up?

It's a purely GENETIC question - I realize that too many roosters is bad - I'm just asking what kinds of colors would show up if I had say, a RED rooster, and a barred hen, a birchen hen, a partridge hen, a splash hen, a black hen, and a laced hen. What would be the resulting colors if I threw 10 different colors (9 hens and one rooster) all together and let them hatch babies.

That's my question. :)
Hope that is correct.
It is information out of the Nederlands. It works. Good information.
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