
Okey dokey- easy everyone...I believe the color/genetics issue has been laid to rest so no more ruffled feathers:) Enjoy the weather, take a walk to enjoy nature's changing landscape, watch through the window for wild birds readying for Fall. Relax. It really will be okay;-)
I want my old VA thread back...


Took a walk through our field this evening... Our Dorking Cockerel decided that following me looked fun. It's so theraputic (sp) to have a flock of chickens clucking around me and come running when I step out the door. *blissful sigh* and then to have my yellow tomcat crawl up on my shoulders to enjoy tje view... ahhhhh. wonderful. :p
I have begun lowering numbers (if you can call it that) for Fall/Winter. Anyone else? Dh says not to sell any that are laying. I explain that I am switching over to breeds that lay a consistant 5 eggs per week to justify the feed bill. He says not to sell any laying. Okay, does that mean I can get more of a different breed AND keep ALL the adults I already have? ;-) I have 2 Spangled RO trios and a 3 month old pullet to integrate with them but was going to sell a trio first. Then keep all female RIR plus a male or two from the week old chicks. I have a parent pair of BO plus 9 (hopefully cuz I'm not 100% sure) females in another large coop. Plus the SS, OEGB and TT and some extra males so I think I'm good for this year. There are the RIR, some RO and SS chicks in the brooder but folks around here aren't looking for chicks right now. Somehow it just doesn't seem fair to spend the extra time outside in snow tending to the extras for $10 each at POL come Spring0_0
I have begun lowering numbers (if you can call it that) for Fall/Winter. Anyone else? Dh says not to sell any that are laying. I explain that I am switching over to breeds that lay a consistant 5 eggs per week to justify the feed bill. He says not to sell any laying. Okay, does that mean I can get more of a different breed AND keep ALL the adults I already have? ;-) I have 2 Spangled RO trios and a 3 month old pullet to integrate with them but was going to sell a trio first. Then keep all female RIR plus a male or two from the week old chicks. I have a parent pair of BO plus 9 (hopefully cuz I'm not 100% sure) females in another large coop. Plus the SS, OEGB and TT and some extra males so I think I'm good for this year. There are the RIR, some RO and SS chicks in the brooder but folks around here aren't looking for chicks right now. Somehow it just doesn't seem fair to spend the extra time outside in snow tending to the extras for $10 each at POL come Spring0_0
Well - to answer the question I would say your good to go as long as they lay eggs - carry on .LOL
I have begun lowering numbers (if you can call it that) for Fall/Winter. Anyone else? Dh says not to sell any that are laying. I explain that I am switching over to breeds that lay a consistant 5 eggs per week to justify the feed bill. He says not to sell any laying. Okay, does that mean I can get more of a different breed AND keep ALL the adults I already have? ;-) I have 2 Spangled RO trios and a 3 month old pullet to integrate with them but was going to sell a trio first. Then keep all female RIR plus a male or two from the week old chicks. I have a parent pair of BO plus 9 (hopefully cuz I'm not 100% sure) females in another large coop. Plus the SS, OEGB and TT and some extra males so I think I'm good for this year. There are the RIR, some RO and SS chicks in the brooder but folks around here aren't looking for chicks right now. Somehow it just doesn't seem fair to spend the extra time outside in snow tending to the extras for $10 each at POL come Spring0_0
What is this "lowering your number for winter" that you speak of? I'm a bit attached to my year old girls, excited to see what my 17 week old girls are going to produce, and can't wait to see how my 8 week olds are going to fill out. I think I might have a problem here, LOL! I am at least 10 chickens heavier going into fall than I was last year, yikes!
I am hoping to get rid of most of my boys soon...but I wish they were more aggressive or something. They are all so NICE. makes me sad to "let them go." (euphemism...big time)
I have 60 chickens and half are it just isn't tenable to keep them.

Aand I am only getting one egg a day...they are all either moulting or too young to lay!

husband is not amused. so the extra males have to go. trying to steel myself.

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