
Hi FarmGirlJoy! My parents live in Penn Laird and we're just down the road in Waynesboro! We've had chickens for a year and we love it. I'm heading out to go watch the chicks play in the dirt right now. We just moved them outside yesterday and they're having a blast sunbathing and flapping their wings :)
Anyone have marek's vaccinated chicks (or hatching eggs) of:

barred, patridge, or silver penciled rock


naked neck (a cross of these would be ok, barred, frizzle, etc if standard isn't available - bantams are ok also)

ameraucan (silver, blue, buff, or wheaton)
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Anyone have marek's vaccinated chicks of:

barred, patridge, or silver penciled rock 


naked neck (a cross of these would be ok, barred, frizzle, etc if standard isn't available)

ameraucan (silver, blue, buff, or wheaton)
Why do you want marked vaccine?
ISO coronation or Isabel any breed
And barnevelder maran any super dark layer
But really want some blue copper Marans

I ask you all because shipped eggs have been giving me too much trouble so I'm think either northern Virginia folks or shipped from Virginia would be better

I have an Isabel roo for sale. $50. Last one. I was saving him but must scale down. I do not ship

I have an Isabel roo for sale. $50. Last one. I was saving him but must scale down. I do not ship[/quote

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