
Went into lock down last night(saturday).
A Dominique chick had started in an egg. NO clue what caused it's egg to explode.? Err makes me SO frustrated! Quickly cleaned it up&didn't disturb other eggs that should hatch Monday.
Guys. I have just heard that in the summer, hens lay more often than every 25 hours. Is this true??? Someone told me that first year layers will lay more like 1 and a half egg a day in the summer.
We picked up our chicks yesterday. Week old, one (each) Americana and Silver Laced Wyandotte, and two (each) Buff Orpington and Black Australorpe. They survived their first night with us, but they're driving one of the Dachshunds crazy. We're not sure if he wants to adopt/protect them or tear out their squeakers like he does with toys. They're safe in a large (48"x24"x24") dog crate. We attached an enclosed dog carrier to one end and will by trying to train them to go in at night, like in a coop.
The whole rig is on a table in our hobby room. Far enough off the floor to keep the dog away, but close enough for him to hear them scratching and peeping. We also have a gate to keep him out, just in case.
We will probably decide which three to keep in a couple of months. We both found out that we actually knew some chicken keepers at out jobs, so we're hoping that we won't have to resort to Craigslist.
Guys.  I have just heard that in the summer, hens lay more often than every 25 hours.  Is this true??? Someone told me that first year layers will lay more like 1 and a half egg a day in the summer. 

Anything is possible, but my cluckers lay less when it's real hot or real cold. Out of 12 with any ambition to lay I'm only getting 4-5 a day and it's been in the high 80s to mid 90s for a week or two. And that's with a greenhouse fan airing the coop.
We picked up our chicks yesterday. Week old, one (each) Americana and Silver Laced Wyandotte, and two (each) Buff Orpington and Black Australorpe. They survived their first night with us, but they're driving one of the Dachshunds crazy. We're not sure if he wants to adopt/protect them or tear out their squeakers like he does with toys. They're safe in a large (48"x24"x24") dog crate. We attached an enclosed dog carrier to one end and will by trying to train them to go in at night, like in a coop.
The whole rig is on a table in our hobby room. Far enough off the floor to keep the dog away, but close enough for him to hear them scratching and peeping. We also have a gate to keep him out, just in case.
We will probably decide which three to keep in a couple of months. We both found out that we actually knew some chicken keepers at out jobs, so we're hoping that we won't have to resort to Craigslist.

Good luck with the chicks. The dog "may" get used to them in a week or so. Mine quit trying to "play" with cluckers when they started to peck her.
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Guys.  I have just heard that in the summer, hens lay more often than every 25 hours.  Is this true??? Someone told me that first year layers will lay more like 1 and a half egg a day in the summer. 

I have several breeds but my most prolific egg layers are my Comets.......these little girls are egg laying machines and give us XL, Jumbo brown eggs. I do feed them fermented feed and greens/scraps which I'm certain helps. BUT.....when it's super hot and humid.....production does slow down significantly.
We picked up our chicks yesterday. Week old, one (each) Americana and Silver Laced Wyandotte, and two (each) Buff Orpington and Black Australorpe. They survived their first night with us, but they're driving one of the Dachshunds crazy. We're not sure if he wants to adopt/protect them or tear out their squeakers like he does with toys. They're safe in a large (48"x24"x24") dog crate. We attached an enclosed dog carrier to one end and will by trying to train them to go in at night, like in a coop.
The whole rig is on a table in our hobby room. Far enough off the floor to keep the dog away, but close enough for him to hear them scratching and peeping. We also have a gate to keep him out, just in case.
We will probably decide which three to keep in a couple of months. We both found out that we actually knew some chicken keepers at out jobs, so we're hoping that we won't have to resort to Craigslist.
Oh, but you are going to fall in love with them all and want to keep them all....Don't ask me how I know this. I LOVE the Black Australorps, I recommend you keep at least one of those, they are also great layers, even through the winter. I would keep the Americana because it will lay pretty eggs. And then the SLW are beautiful and also good layers. I have not found anything phenomenal about the Buff Orpingtons, they are good layers, but no better than the others you got and they are kinda shy.

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