
Hi, VA! I'm trying to start my first urban flock and I'm wondering where is the best place to find a reasonably priced coop near Richmond? I have 0 building tools or abilities so I'm trying to find something sturdier than prefab but less expensive than Amish-built. Looking for a coop w/ attached run for 4 hens. Any leads are greatly appreciated!
Hi, VA! I'm trying to start my first urban flock and I'm wondering where is the best place to find a reasonably priced coop near Richmond? I have 0 building tools or abilities so I'm trying to find something sturdier than prefab but less expensive than Amish-built. Looking for a coop w/ attached run for 4 hens. Any leads are greatly appreciated!
We got our 1st coop, a small one on sale for $200 from Tractor Supply and it needed assembly. But you are correct. It probably will not last 2 years. It was quite flimsy but as we started, I did not want to put a bunch of money not knowing whether we would want to do the chicken thing long term...NOW I regret not getting one that was better built. But lots of places have better ones. just Google chicken coops and you will find plenty.
Hi, VA! I'm trying to start my first urban flock and I'm wondering where is the best place to find a reasonably priced coop near Richmond? I have 0 building tools or abilities so I'm trying to find something sturdier than prefab but less expensive than Amish-built. Looking for a coop w/ attached run for 4 hens. Any leads are greatly appreciated!
Hands Down, Tractor Supply Co.
Join the Neighborhood Club for the big discount coupons and open a TSC charge account and get bonus points to use towards free sacks of feed every three months. The most I got was $140. And the least was $40. It comes every three months and really is a great program. They want your business. I love Tractor Supply and have really saved a lot of money by buying from them. Infact every time I go there to buy it is with one of their circulars using coupons for specific items mostly, an on-line coupon from them to my email account or they send me coupons worth cash and big discounts in their stores for anything I want. The facts are the more you spend there for one stop Shopping the more you will save with coupons. Also they have the “dashboard” For my account and I can see instantly what I have bought and when I bought it. I went in there inn saturday and bought four 50 pound sacks of feed for my chickens and All it cost me a few dollars because I used my cash back for buying from them. Sort of like Wally Worlds Savings catcher. I use that too and this past Thanksgiving I cashed in my stored savings from a years worth of shipping and was able to buy with no out of pocket money my entire Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas dinner. Turkey, Ham and all
All the fixings. Really.
I’m currently seeking hatching eggs within two hours of Roanoke. Hoping for standard sized birds, breed isn’t important, mixes are great. Really hoping to spend no more than $5 a dozen, just the regular eggs you’d sell a customer. I’m ready to hatch some more chicks, but at three months, I suspect my cockerels aren’t able yet. I know production and fertility aren’t so hot for many, but would be interested in up to 3 dozen.
Hi all! It’s been a while since I’ve posted. I’ve recently added some crested cream legbars and bielefelders to my flock. Really enjoying the biele’s, they are super friendly (and not bad looking, either!) Does anyone have experiencing raising them in the summer in VA? I have heard they don’t do particularly well in heat/humidity, so I have a feeling I may have to take some extra steps to keep them cool. Any advice would be appreciated.
Hi all! It’s been a while since I’ve posted. I’ve recently added some crested cream legbars and bielefelders to my flock. Really enjoying the biele’s, they are super friendly (and not bad looking, either!) Does anyone have experiencing raising them in the summer in VA? I have heard they don’t do particularly well in heat/humidity, so I have a feeling I may have to take some extra steps to keep them cool. Any advice would be appreciated.
I'm not sure about how CCLs do in VA summer heat, but I'll be finding out myself. I'm just starting my flock. I'll be watching to see if anyone with experience has any input on this, as I've been wondering myself.

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