
Hey Sarah,
I want some hatching eggs from you in the spring.
New here. A friend of mine suggested this site to me. I have 10 buff orpingtons and would like to get other variety of chickens. I guess I need a bigger coop for that since mine is just big enough for what i got.
So now I need to go read a ton of stuff that is posted on this site. I just wanted to say Hello.
Hi Sarah glad to see you on here too.
I hope I get to go to the show too. Would love to get to hang out and get to talk to you this time.
Hey how much do you like the lav ams?

Just asking.

Now you are so so so bad stop trying to make me fall in love with a new color
Are you going to build me a pen for them?

I am hoping I can come with just my daughter maybe my dad if he's in town but the son and friend have to stay home they don't like staying over 5 mins Hubby doesn't do chicken shows Thank god

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