
D'Angelo N Va. :

Glenmar, I might have to talk to you next.spring re: your beautiful peacock.

No problem. Hopefully I will have eggs and chicks.


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New here in Roanoke, VA. Gonna get started with a new coop and lot come spring time. Looking at doing a 20'x15' lot for 6 hens (for eggs) and 6 roo's. Will be putting 5 of the roo's in the freezer come next fall. I am going for the "organic" route if I can so I know what me and my family are eating. I was raised around birds and a lot of different animals on 11 acres. I only have 1 acre where I am now so a few chickens should be ok. If things work out ok....I may end up getting a small pig as well for the freezer too.

Does anyone have any comments on my lot size for 12 chickens? Too small? Im going with 72" netting so I can stand up in the lot if need be. Whats the best thing to use for netting across the top? Dont need "prey" birds getting my chickens while their young. Not much snow where I am so not worried about chickens being stuck in the coop during winter. Coop will be about 600 sq feet.......Im making 6 nesting boxes for laying eggs.....Is that enough? Also, should I plan on doing vaccines? Eggs and meat will be for our consumption only.....not selling anything. Unless chicks are already vaccinated.....getting at TSC.

Thanks for any help......
The basic rules are:
- 4 sq ft/standard size chicken in the coop
- 10 sq ft/ standard size chicken in the run
- 10-12" of roosting space/standard size chicken
- 1 nesting box for every 4 chickens

you will need 1/2" hardware cloth around the lower part of the run to keep out vermin. Also, some hardware cloth all around the ground to keep pest from digging under the fencing. Lots of info in the section about housing on the forum.

I'm in Greenville, just north of you.
Welcome, catmechanic07! Sounds great except your chick count is low...

Oh well, that will change once you get the first ones - I started with 4 in Sept, now I have 27... and more coming
Hi all - just wanted to offer a free chick to anyone around charlottesville Virginia. I have several chicks that hatched 12/1-12/3. I have a small cockeral that I do not intend on keeping, he is free to a good home. He appears to be a Black Copper Maran / Easter Egger mix or perhaps all BCM, not sure. He has a single comb and feathered, slate legs. If anyone is interested in picking him up let me know. You will have to pick him up here in Charlottesville.
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