

12 Years
May 22, 2012
North Dakota
I think I found out why my feed was being consumed way faster than usual the last week or so, I think this guy has been sneaking in when I go to's still pretty dark them.

He was taken care of, way way to many snoopy faces on my farm and young trees, to have him hanging around.
I am actually kind of jealous that you have porcupines -- not so much that he is eating your chicken feed, but I miss seeing those little buggars around (grew up in a town that hosts the "World Famous 4th of July Porcupine Races -- many a summer night spent "hunting" for that year's big winner, lol)
Funny that he showed up at my house, my farm is only 3 yrs old and in the middle of a field. So no trees for almost a mile, except my windbreak which is only like two ft., I thought that's what they like but I must be wrong lol.

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