Voorheesville, NY Poultry picnic 8/27/2011

Annie and I are an hour + south of you, so you can totally understand why we don't want to make the drive. I Had been reading that thread and some of the people who are coming long distances are making a vacation out of it and/or definately staying at a hotel over night so they aren't doing all the driving in one day.
I also stumbled upon this just a few days ago, and would like to come. I might be able to talk my daughter into coming with me...she will be 12 then. My sons, meh...maybe not. I like to make cakes, maybe I can some up with something special just for the event.
Wonderful. The more the merrier. I'm sure Annie (the event co-ordinator) will see this soon and make a note of the number coming and what you would like to bring to the pot luck.

I hope everyone comes. Annie hopes no more come than she has parking for.

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