Voorheesville, NY Poultry picnic 8/27/2011

Sorry you are gonna miss it. We plan to have a blast and the site (Annie's house) has a pole barn so we will have lots of cover if the weather doesn't co-operate.

Everyone should bring a lawn/folding/canvas outdoor type chair in case you want to sit down that day.
I am thinking the 27th might actually be clear for us....we will have to see.

This could be fun. Lovinstock was AWESOME!
Getting together with like-minded folks just can not get any better!
I am thinking the 27th might actually be clear for us....we will have to see.

This could be fun. Lovinstock was AWESOME!
Getting together with like-minded folks just can not get any better!

Im still working on this one maybe? I have alot that keeps popping up!!
I am thinking the 27th might actually be clear for us....we will have to see.

This could be fun. Lovinstock was AWESOME!
Getting together with like-minded folks just can not get any better!

Im still working on this one maybe? I have alot that keeps popping up!!

I can relate to that
Oh PLLLEEEZZZEEE come. We want to meet you and trade chicken stories, chicken stuff and chickens for that matter. If he is still around I am bringing the world's largest white silkie roo. I mean this guy puts the LF cockerals TO SHAME. (and they are about the same age.) And he is Gorgeous too. Beautiful blue ears. Dark feet. All his toes...all 5 of them...ewwww...
Definitely still coming! I'll have something to bring, just not sure what. I'll have baby NN roos (about 6 weeks old by then) if anyone wants a cute little NN in their flock!

ETA: all my chickies so far made it through the heat today. I turned a sprinkler on and they've finally figured out that it's not evil.

Hey Nat (Sonew) - my two OE blue chickens from you ARE laying olive eggs! Very very dark ones at that. So I did get some OE's out of the mix. You should see my egg cartons now. I have light minty green from the EE's, super dark olive from the OE's, dark brown eggs from the maran x americauna black chickens, pink from one of my mystery chickens and of course white and various shades of brown and speckled. I just need blue!
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OH, OH, I'm gonna have blue
If one of my hens goes broody next spring I'll hatch you some that lay blue eggs. I separated my Ameraucana chicks from the main flock so they breed pure. Let's see what color eggs I get and then you can decide if you want some of my chicks next year or not. Assuming they survive the summer and the winter.
Awesome! either chicks or eggs would be great. My egg basket is so pretty now. Too bad I had to give away my roo or I'd have gorgeous olive eggs for hatching I could bring to the picnic. There is a BO baby roo in the coop, but he won't be old enough by then.

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