Voorheesville, NY Poultry picnic 8/27/2011

I am coming with Lady Libra for sure. I will bring a desert--not sure what yet, have to check the cuboard, and maybe something else--Lady libra I will probably have some tomatoes ready if you need any.

If there is any turkey interest let me know and I can bring some birds--email me and I will let you know what I have. I also will be bringing a 3 gal plastic waterer. {$15} if any interest. I mentioned bringing a SG jake, but he has been sold. I'm not sure what I am bringing for the auction yet.

My chicken hens are some of this and some of that,--mainly hatchery BR, 1 ameracauna, 1 blue orp x sussex, 1 BCM, etc, and my boys are a Barnevelder and an ameracauna x blue orp, so all my fertile eggs are muttlys. I let the broodys hatch and rear the chicks, keep some hens and eat the roos.
They are mainly for eggs, bug control and entertainment--better than TV!!

I'd like to get a few more colored egg layers and maybe a Delaware hen (or pullets)if anyone is bringing any.

I am looking foreward to meeting other crazy poultry folks!
I also will be selling some Chanteclers that I got this spring. You know the deal - have to buy 25. I now have 11 pullets and 9 Cockerals. I want to keep 6 pullets and 1 cockeral, so that means I will be selling:

Chanteclers for sale are 5 pullets and 8 cockerals. Pairs are $20, Cockerals are $5.

Also have "random" layers for sale $10 each. Aged around 1 1/2 yrs old.
Now I really wish I were going - I LVOE my chantecler and woudl love to hav enaother - from Ideal, too!!
What time does the shindig end?

It ends when everyone goes home.
I am hoping for a campfire and to hang out for a bit in the evening. Got S'mores?

ETA : Is anyone close to you coming-they maybe could deliver.
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You are awesome! We will be prepared for the worst weather and the best times!

I am having a hard time getting things done, busy watching our new feathered friends. So peaceful. I picked up a pair of Peafowl yesterday and 2 Mandarin ducks today. Had been hoping to get both for years and I finally found some I could afford this week!

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