Voorheesville, NY Poultry picnic 8/27/2011

Here is The Bantam and her 10 chicks for sale.

We are unable to come but was looking for a nice black tailed white Jap bantam roo and a black tailed buff hen.
will be going to the cobelskill show next month.

PM me if you know of anyone going that has Japs and if you have recieved a catalog... still waiting on one.
what breed is this?

I think she is a japanese bantam. The previous owner had no idea- through my research that's the closest looking I found. she could be a mix, her chicks could be a mix. I just don't have coop space for her and her 10 youngin's this winter. I don't mind splitting them all up if someone just wants a couple or few of the chicks-cheap.
They are nice-I bought Chanteclers because I love those "burly" looking birds.

These guys are SO solid and meaty! I fell in love with them when I first saw them now I have a breeding pair of darks and a trio of lights a a few chicks growing out.
My chantecler from Ideal has been broody for a year.......................I am not kidding - I don't think she has ever laid an egg, but I absolutely adore her, she's so solid
did you say you were bringing some? I'd love to check them out if you are. I've had a wyandotte hatch out two broods this year. I love when a hen is willing to do all the work.
did you say you were bringing some? I'd love to check them out if you are. I've had a wyandotte hatch out two broods this year. I love when a hen is willing to do all the work.

Okay,, now after a little more research I think I LOVE them (the chanteclers)!
did you say you were bringing some? I'd love to check them out if you are. I've had a wyandotte hatch out two broods this year. I love when a hen is willing to do all the work.

okay,, it wasnt' you that has some for sale.

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