Voorheesville, NY Poultry picnic 8/27/2011

I'm not one to panic over things, but with the impending 70mph wind storms they are predicting here via hurricane Irene...DH and I might need to stay home to batten down the hatches. The wind we get here on a daily basis is nuts (no tree breaks), I don't want to think what those winds will do.
We are still talking it over, but want to give everyone a heads up. Our homestead and critters are priority #1.
This is what I am down to, the others have been spoken for.....
Just a reminder. Ok here's my pictures of what I am bringing. If you are intered please PM me. I only want to haul up what is spoken for....so if you think you might want them let me know.

I also love to barter, so if you got something to swap for these birds just let me know or shoot me an offer.

All my ameraucana's are from the top lines in the country, Jean Ribbeck, John Blehm and Harry Shaffer.

LF Split Lavender/Lavender Ameraucana Pair $35
Split Lavender Roo (15 wks)


Lavender Pullet (10 wks)

FREE TRIO!!! Bantam Lavender Roo (1 yr) and 2 silver pullets ((15 wks) FREE I really need their coop for an upcoming project


Trio of White Ameraucana's $55 rooster is molting

Those of you who wanted honey, please PM me.

I have both dark and light, same price for either.
8oz jar $3.50
16oz (1lb) $4.00

Let me know, by PM.
We're just into the "extreme damage" zone, as we're right outside the Hudson Valley region. We have two generators and plenty of fuel, so we're good there. Our biggest concern is actually a large tree that's behind the coop. It's a big sucker, so it's survived many a storm before this one - let's hope it survives this one as well!
Yes. We will be looking to get everything done tomorrow, hopefully, and see how Saturday looks. I'm looking at planters, wind chimes, chicken tractors, buckets, wood piles, fire pit, feeders, kid stuff, lumber stuff, cages...it sounds like a junk yard, but there is the potential of so much flying debris. I just don't want to take any chances or wait till the last minute to get this stuff put away. If we get more than a 30 mp wind, won't surprise me. It's the what if we get something heavy. And, if we lose power, I've got a zillion things to bake in advance, water jugs to fill and flashlights to check to make sure we'll be all set. Plus, I haven't canned enough produce...all this time chasing what's in the yard is taking up my free time! Ugh.

I cancelled a golf trip with our friend for this swap...I hope we don't miss out.
Get up Saturday morning and check the weather channel and see what they are saying. IF it goes just a little more to the east Central NY will get almost nothing....some rain. If it comes further west (which it shouldn't give the High pressure systems surrounding it) then we might get a lot of wind. And rain. Maybe hail. Oh hail, I gotta pick the garden tomorrow.

But Saturday is safe. No rain even. SO PARTY ON!!!!

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