Voorheesville, NY Poultry picnic 8/27/2011

That is so funny! My DH could care less. We live in such a populated area there are always people around. If the power goes out, once for 2 days in the past 18 years I've lived here, it's still no big deal even in winter. Water is city and has generator, we heat with wood anyway and there is always the gas grill to cook on or our camp stoves. Typically our power will go out for a few minutes then come right back. Only good thing about living on a main road.

Yes, but you don't understand.. living close to all those neighbors means that when TSHTF they will all come and attack you for your supplies.
So having those people around is not always a good thing (and yes, *I* am kidding.. LOL).

I'll sic my evil goats and crazy roosters on them!
Good news bad news...bad news, We are not going to make it because DH wants help securing the chickens...good news, this will be the first time in a long time that the whole fam will be involved in a project together...pulling together in times of trouble. I did not have a "peaceful, easy feeling" about coming and leaving the men here alone, now I am actually feeling good about this decision. Sad though, since DD and I have been looking forward to this for a loooooong time. Have a great time, Sorry about the s'mores.

Chicken stalker, If you have honey for me and feel comfortable leaving it, I could mail you the money and pick it up later. PM me and we can arrange something. If someone else wants to buy it, I am ok with that, just didn't want you to feel like you brought it for nothing.

In His Service
I am so sorry you could not make it.. I came home early but had a ton of fun. Quite a good turnout and great auction items. I got my honey and my hatching eggs. Nice birds too and now I know all sorts of stuff I need to do for my coop.

Had fun meeting everyone! Hopefully someone will post pics of the event and the auction results.. I wanna know who took home the cute little noisy trio.

Oh and some asked about my chickens and I said I'd repost pics..

my weird wattled ee mutt chicken:

And another really pretty odd colored BLRW (I guess):

Completely forgot to mention my NN!

and 'mohawk' before:

It is a good thing (for my chickens) that I stayed...DH did not have a clue what to do to weather-proof the birds, he later admitted, but he was not about to ask me to stay. For the first time, he swallowed his manly pride and just did what I asked him to do so we could get it done quickly. YAY! We just got the major stuff done when the downpour began. DH had gone to pick up oldest DS from work, and DD and I splashed thru rivers of water to pick up the tools and last few things. The chickens flew squawking and flapping into coops. A few accidentally got locked out for a few minutes and raised quite a hullabaloo until someone noticed them. Finally, the rain has slowed a bit. We need to secure one more run before dark, then we will have to wait and see what happens.
But the best thing yet...My 15 year old DS helped with the new run, gathered loose stuff so it would not fly away in the winds, then came in and made supper and dessert so that it was ready when we got dried off. I could really get used to that.

DD wants us to have a picnic here next year...stranger things have happened, i guess

Glad everyone had a good time. Hope everyone and their animals stay safe.

In His Service.
Thanks for hosting us, Annie - it was great! The poor Polish peeps are wiped out. Once I'd settled them into their temporary digs, they had a drink and a snack, and then pretty much passed out cold. They've had a big day, especially the one who made a break for the road!
SO on further investigation I am still not convinced that they are all boys, maybe one little Pullet and two cockerals. just visited the farm with the parents and the "little pullet" has similar crest feathers developing as his/her mother. But the other two are ALL BOYs. I wanted to bring a "pair" to the auction, but who needs two boys if I'm wrong.

I found a Polish breeders forum just now that says that cockerels look like they have long, pointy dreads, while pullets have more rounded little poofs, like a dandelion or an Afro.
The descriptions fit these two, so, were I a betting woman (and I am), I'd say they're a pair. They're so cute!

The rain just hit us. It sounds like somebody turned a faucet on full-blast.

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