Voorheesville, NY Poultry picnic 8/27/2011

Thank you all for coming to our little shin-dig! I had a great time. Sorry to those of you who could not make it, stinkin hurricane. We are eating left-overs and chatting about the picnic. My kids all had a blast hanging with all your kids! Now I need to run, there's dishes to do before the power goes out....

It was a wonderful day. Weather almost cooperated 100%. Rained at the very end.

Annie had a wonderful set up....parking, tables, chairs (plus the ones we all brought) and 2 tents to keep us out of the sun. And there was sun. (ok, sometimes behind the clouds, but it *was* there)

The food was wonderful. WAY more than we could ever eat, but Annie won't have to cook until next week.

Auction donations were GREAT!!!! Everyone said that the selection of chicken and non-chicken items was wonderful. To everyone who donated we were able to raise $110 for the host family....given the amount of food Annie made, she probably broke even...and that was the whole idea of the Chinese Auction....to clean out our closets...ahh, no, to offset the cost of hosting so the host family doesn't have to eat Mac and Cheese for a month to balance their budget.

There were some wonderful chickens, a rabbit, a absolutely beautiful wine basket, wind chimes I wanted for myself (didn't win them tho), books, bags, seeds, hatching eggs (I know it's the wrong season for hatching eggs, but there were some anyway), ummm...what else....well, you get the idea. Good stuff. Oh a chicken toy. OMG...I had to laugh at that one. I didn't win it either, but I am going to look for one. It was soooo clever and would entertain the chickens in the winter.

Thank you to everyone who donated and bought tickets.

It was wonderful to meet you all. I say we do it again, but next year let's do it earlier in summer so we can swap/ sell more chicks...
SO on further investigation I am still not convinced that they are all boys, maybe one little Pullet and two cockerals. just visited the farm with the parents and the "little pullet" has similar crest feathers developing as his/her mother. But the other two are ALL BOYs. I wanted to bring a "pair" to the auction, but who needs two boys if I'm wrong.

I found a Polish breeders forum just now that says that cockerels look like they have long, pointy dreads, while pullets have more rounded little poofs, like a dandelion or an Afro.
The descriptions fit these two, so, were I a betting woman (and I am), I'd say they're a pair. They're so cute!

The rain just hit us. It sounds like somebody turned a faucet on full-blast.

You will have to let me know if that "little girl" turns out to be a boy. I'll keep my fingers crossed though.
Thanks for hosting Annie, we will have to throw one up our way in the future,, spring would be fun with chicks to swap! Annie, let me know how the hatch goes.
thanks all the food was great, the auction was fun ! We drove out of the storm and have yet to get anything here, the air is still and the peepers are singing still, stay dry and safe everyone. -erin-
So glad you drove out of the rain. 2 hours in the rain would not be fun.

If you want to host, I'll be glad to help, if you need some. I had a lot of fun working with Annie organizing this one.

And I will drive 2 hours to come to another event...esp if there are chicks at it.
Thanks, Annie. My daughter and I enjoyed ourselves. If anyone is thinking about the chicken toy it came from Jeffers.

It was fun meeting all of you and putting real faces to the screen names. It came down pretty good as we were leaving, but just a little rain here in Schoharie so far.

Annie, your pretty girls popped out of the box, looked around, spotted the feeder and settled right in. The silkies jammed in a corner to get away from the monster chickens until I went out with scratch and frozen mixed vegetables and then they all ran around like the food obsessed critters they are.

If you don't mind, PM me with more information about where they came from and what they like for treats.

Thanks again for all the hard work you did to make today a success.
I found a Polish breeders forum just now that says that cockerels look like they have long, pointy dreads, while pullets have more rounded little poofs, like a dandelion or an Afro.
The descriptions fit these two, so, were I a betting woman (and I am), I'd say they're a pair. They're so cute!

The rain just hit us. It sounds like somebody turned a faucet on full-blast.

You will have to let me know if that "little girl" turns out to be a boy. I'll keep my fingers crossed though.

I will! For some reason I have a hunch that it's a pullet. I just love them and their crazy "hairdos."

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